Damn I love This Highlight


zambidis is scary

Mike Zambidis
Uploaded by Stylz

I love when he knocks Kid the fuck out infront of his woman.

Christ, that was amazing. Just e-mailed all my budies that link. Thanks for the post.

Cintron would take a nap; boxing isn't the greatest for fighting kickboxing. SPROUT

best boxer in k-1 max. Future 07 k-1 max champ!!! Look out buakaw!

He is a bad little man !!!!!!!!!

You guys think if he learned a good sprawl and some decent sub defense he could make a transition into MMA and have success?

LOL @ Cintron beating him

Head kick, followed by a flying knee...GAME OVER FOR Kermit

Mike Z is one of the most fun fighters in the world to watch

Very entertaining!


HB: Not really, most likely it would be the usual killer of boxers in Kickboxing: The Low Kick.

The right hand he hit Kid with was a fucking missile! Mike Z is a scary dude, I hope he and Buakaw meet, that would be awesome.



"The right hand he hit Kid with was a fucking missile! Mike Z is a scary dude, I hope he and Buakaw meet, that would be awesome."

^^they DID meet and fought. it went to a decision and I believe they gave it to Buakaw. I'm sure u can find the vid out there if you search for it. I only saw the last couple of rounds, not the whole thing

a little MIKE TYSON....um, that can kick and stuff.

Damn...was Diaz one of those victims??


"I hope he and Buakaw meet, that would be awesome. "


Your dream has come true

ttt, badass.

There should be a fucking law about using that song in highlight videos though.