Dan Hardy & Mike Swick Make up: Afterparty Pics!

We figured that most everyone would be hanging at the hotel to afterparty and that was definitely true except for most of the British Fighters on the card. I happened to be right there when Dan Hardy and Mike Swick shook hands and spoke about the fight. There were no hard feelings and Swick gave Dan a ton of credit for "doing his homework" before their fight.

Dan Hardy and some of the other guys headed to the Hard Rock for the MMA Unlimited Afterparty and Bisping headed to Bijou for his own. At 2am, someone from the UFC had the hotel set up a projection screen and everyone crowded in to watch the Pacquiao/Cotto fight. We stayed up all the way to traditional buffet breakfast with everyone @ 7am before we all left to the airport to head home.

Click the photo below to view all the pics!

he did.. he has a black eye on the right side... it's not huge or anything though...

inf0 - (on a side note... sure looks like a bunch of douchebags at that party.. holy shit!)

this was 3 different parties...

Tracy, you have the best job in the world!

Dans GF is smocking hot

ttt for later.

Thanks Tracy

Thanks, as always, Tracy.

Who are the other douchebags in the douchebag Riddle photo? I have that same Jaco shirt though, it's sweet.

makeup? wasnt it all just bs marketing the fight becuse noone gave a shit about it?

demonbasketball04 - Tracy, you have the best job in the world!


I'm sure it's not at easy as it looks, but U got the life T!

The light in that Kongo pic is sick!

More pics from the weekend- Friday night after weigh ins.. Click the photo to view:


UFC 105: The Aftermath

UFC 105: The Aftermath

UFC 105: The Aftermath

 Kang looks pretty beat up!

LOL at the look on Kangs face. "I bet I could knock this fucker out."

cool pics,, Riddle is awesome,, guy got beat down but looks like he's having the time of his life.

Sierra Nevada -  Why was Dean Lister there?

He came for the fights but stayed for the tang.

Mica Kizbig - 
Sierra Nevada -  Why was Dean Lister there?

He came for the fights but stayed for the tang.

Lister is always around parties. He probably cornered someone and had some fun after.

 UFC 105: The Aftermath