Dan Hooker vs. Nasrat Haqparast

Up next… I got Hooker




These two should be automatically given a fight of the night bonus just for making it to the fight and both on weight

Haqparast looks like he’s had the same gyno surgery “The Rock” had in the 90’s.

Is that GSP in Haqparast corner

Round 1 10-9 Hooker

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I believe he trains at Tristar.

20-18 Hooker. Haqparast needs a finish.

Yes. Diaz was assigned the same locker room too and it showed them shaking hands after Diaz walked into the locker room and they saw each other. Pretty cool.

Been near total domination by Hooker so far.

Hooker looking sensational. Perfect timing on the last takedown.


30-27, all Hooker, all night.

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Didn’t Nasrat’s mom die a few days ago too? Shitty time to lose a fight but tonight was Hooker’s night.

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Is there a reason nasrat put his left foot to his right knee when hooker had side control? Dan was on his right, so wouldn’t nasrat be better off using his right knee to prevent the pass?

Classy of Dan to send condolences to Haqparast after the fight. Nasrat lost his mother recently.


Possibly trying to bait him? No idea didn’t watch.

ESPN+ is really pissing me off right now.

Maybe so that if Hooker tried to pass his leg over, it was easier to hook the leg to get half guard?

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