Dana: "Anderson said he can make 170"

SlipSlap - 
Herman Munster - 

GSP will beat Anderson at 170, and make it look easy.

My thoughts exactly....

He didn't make the Condit fight look easy, why would a fight with Anderson?

orcus - 
SlipSlap - 
Herman Munster - 

GSP will beat Anderson at 170, and make it look easy.

My thoughts exactly....

He didn't make the Condit fight look easy, why would a fight with Anderson?

Also gsp love to point out how fighters are less likely to pull the trigger, due to intimidation etc etc. Gsp's takedown ability would be strained because every shot he takes, he could eat a knee from hell, and wake up with British teeth.

KingOfFighters - 
nix1331 - 
KingOfFighters - 
gamer - 
OnlyTheStrongSurvive - 

So if you're GSP, do you decide to fight him and risk losing your title, fight him at a catchweight, or decide you want to move to 185? Phone Post

Anderson is the one cowardly campaigning for a fight with the much smaller GSP, instead of asking for a fight with Jones lol

Truth is, Gsp doesn't need Anderson and doesn't care etc

Anderson is the one who needs Gso and who wants this fight

So if im GSP,

Im MAKING Anderson cut as much weight as humanly possible if he wants to take the easy route and pick a fight with me - the much smaller fighter

If im GSP, I make every demand possible, and I make the match a living hell for Anderson to get

If im Gsp, I say fuck it, lets do this at at catch weight of 160 lol

Cowardly? You mean the same gsp that's beat up a bunch of lightweights, but he wasn't called a coward then was he? So if anderson moves down to 170, he's a bully? How?

what LW did GSP call out for years saying they should move to WW to fight him? and dont say bj the former WW champ. so GSP has not called out any LW fighter that i recall and A silva has called out a lighter fighter so if calling out a lighter fighter is cowardly than only silva has done it.
imo if silva is calling gsp out because he thinks it would b fight of the century and its what the fans want than thats not cowardly.....if hes calling gsp out because hes sure he can beat him and make his legacy better than its super fuking cowardly

IT DOESNT FUCKING MATTER if gsp called out a LW or not, the fact is, he's fought SEVERAL fighters whom he'd have the same height/reach difference they didnt have against gsp, that anderson would enjoy vs GSP. The facts are those were fights at a certain weight so GSP isn't crucified for them, but if anderson comes down to his weight he should be?

Everyone's been calling gsp goat some shit for a while now, yet has not face not 1 single legend his height/weight proportion or more PERIOD. He wants to be the wayne gretzki of mma yet ducks anderson? HES A FUCKING PUSSY, these are not claims of a humble man, but the claims of a man that wants legendary status, and to have that sort of status you have to go above and beyond your weight class PERIOD. It's happened in many combat sports, period. GSP aint no goat, if he was he would of fought anderson 5 years ago. Respect to anyone that gets into the cage ,but that doesn't mean some people are too cowardly to fight certain fighters

Why and how AS fans can open there flaps like this time and again given the below (and much more) is really a mind bender. These below are direct quotes.

"I think [GSP] would be a great challenge for me. I prefer him over Jon Jones. He's smaller. It'll be a little bit easier. I'll be hit less."
Read more at http://www.espn.co.uk/ufc/sport/story/174733.html#F8oDszHlPqfIeuRd.99

“Well, there are many possibilities, but fighting Jon Jones is one of them that I don’t think is possible,” Silva said on Thursday. “There’s no way.”


MW is historically the weakest division in MMA too boot, this by far.

There goes laser with his outdated quotes and spamming of the same shit over and over.

Lets ignore the.most RECENT quotes from Dana Ed and Anderson that the Jones fight is very possible, and only count the quotes laser wants us to count.... Phone Post

I want to see him with 2 belts Phone Post


UGCTT_ Lay'n'PrayNINJA - 

There goes laser with his outdated quotes and spamming of the same shit over and over.

Lets ignore the.most RECENT quotes from Dana Ed and Anderson that the Jones fight is very possible, and only count the quotes laser wants us to count.... Phone Post

No lets ignore that the poster called GSP "A FUCKING PUSSY" Etc.....

Lets's forget direct quotes from AS (why no AS fan should talk about the topic ever). Those AS fans that shit on GSP will be hit back in Kind by me as usual using not my words by AS's, his mangers's (on tape) and more facts.

Do not call fights names as such and all is well.

Why is Anderson not asking for fight GSP then? Why the delay?

I want to see this fight ASAP.

MysteriousNinjaFromMars - If Anthony Johnson can make 170 so can anderson.

This... Phone Post

Lazer MMA - 
KingOfFighters - 
nix1331 - 
KingOfFighters - 
gamer - 
OnlyTheStrongSurvive - 

So if you're GSP, do you decide to fight him and risk losing your title, fight him at a catchweight, or decide you want to move to 185? Phone Post

Anderson is the one cowardly campaigning for a fight with the much smaller GSP, instead of asking for a fight with Jones lol

Truth is, Gsp doesn't need Anderson and doesn't care etc

Anderson is the one who needs Gso and who wants this fight

So if im GSP,

Im MAKING Anderson cut as much weight as humanly possible if he wants to take the easy route and pick a fight with me - the much smaller fighter

If im GSP, I make every demand possible, and I make the match a living hell for Anderson to get

If im Gsp, I say fuck it, lets do this at at catch weight of 160 lol

Cowardly? You mean the same gsp that's beat up a bunch of lightweights, but he wasn't called a coward then was he? So if anderson moves down to 170, he's a bully? How?

what LW did GSP call out for years saying they should move to WW to fight him? and dont say bj the former WW champ. so GSP has not called out any LW fighter that i recall and A silva has called out a lighter fighter so if calling out a lighter fighter is cowardly than only silva has done it.
imo if silva is calling gsp out because he thinks it would b fight of the century and its what the fans want than thats not cowardly.....if hes calling gsp out because hes sure he can beat him and make his legacy better than its super fuking cowardly

IT DOESNT FUCKING MATTER if gsp called out a LW or not, the fact is, he's fought SEVERAL fighters whom he'd have the same height/reach difference they didnt have against gsp, that anderson would enjoy vs GSP. The facts are those were fights at a certain weight so GSP isn't crucified for them, but if anderson comes down to his weight he should be?

Everyone's been calling gsp goat some shit for a while now, yet has not face not 1 single legend his height/weight proportion or more PERIOD. He wants to be the wayne gretzki of mma yet ducks anderson? HES A FUCKING PUSSY, these are not claims of a humble man, but the claims of a man that wants legendary status, and to have that sort of status you have to go above and beyond your weight class PERIOD. It's happened in many combat sports, period. GSP aint no goat, if he was he would of fought anderson 5 years ago. Respect to anyone that gets into the cage ,but that doesn't mean some people are too cowardly to fight certain fighters

Why and how AS fans can open there flaps like this time and again given the below (and much more) is really a mind bender. These below are direct quotes.

"I think [GSP] would be a great challenge for me. I prefer him over Jon Jones. He's smaller. It'll be a little bit easier. I'll be hit less."
Read more at http://www.espn.co.uk/ufc/sport/story/174733.html#F8oDszHlPqfIeuRd.99

“Well, there are many possibilities, but fighting Jon Jones is one of them that I don’t think is possible,” Silva said on Thursday. “There’s no way.”


MW is historically the weakest division in MMA too boot, this by far.

You may have shut up the King of Losers for a short while at least.