Dana: "Anderson said he can make 170"

gamer -
ThatKickDidntHuroooohhhhhhhh - 

GSP beats Anderson at 170, even though it's complete BS that Anderson can make 170.

There is no way Anderson would make 170

This isnt 2006 lol

Anderson has recently moved up to 205 THREE times, and on those occasions, he was proven to be a good sized LHW.

Anderson even looked just as big as Forrest. Thats saying a lot

How would Gsp look standing next to Forrest? Now watch how Anderson looked just as big as Forrest did etc

Anderson is much much bigger then Gsp is. The fight is a joke. Anderson should fight Jones

He clearly looked a lot smaller than Forrest you simpleton Phone Post

gamer - 
OnlyTheStrongSurvive - 

So if you're GSP, do you decide to fight him and risk losing your title, fight him at a catchweight, or decide you want to move to 185? Phone Post

Anderson is the one cowardly campaigning for a fight with the much smaller GSP, instead of asking for a fight with Jones lol

Truth is, Gsp doesn't need Anderson and doesn't care etc

Anderson is the one who needs Gso and who wants this fight

So if im GSP,

Im MAKING Anderson cut as much weight as humanly possible if he wants to take the easy route and pick a fight with me - the much smaller fighter

If im GSP, I make every demand possible, and I make the match a living hell for Anderson to get

If im Gsp, I say fuck it, lets do this at at catch weight of 160 lol

Cowardly? You mean the same gsp that's beat up a bunch of lightweights, but he wasn't called a coward then was he? So if anderson moves down to 170, he's a bully? How?

the geek - Will it affect his ability to have more children?

Lmao Phone Post


Smellde Gluve - 


Put a title belt around his waist and it'll be more accurate. Haha.

Ben Saunders - 
the geek - Will it affect his ability to have more children?

Lmao Phone Post

Speaking of big dudes cutting to WW.

gamer -
OnlyTheStrongSurvive -  So if you're GSP, do you decide to fight him and risk losing your title, fight him at a catchweight, or decide you want to move to 185? Phone Post

Anderson is the one cowardly campaigning for a fight with the much smaller GSP, instead of asking for a fight with Jones lol

Truth is, Gsp doesn't need Anderson and doesn't care etc

Anderson is the one who needs Gso and who wants this fight

So if im GSP,

Im MAKING Anderson cut as much weight as humanly possible if he wants to take the easy route and pick a fight with me - the much smaller fighter

If im GSP, I make every demand possible, and I make the match a living hell for Anderson to get

If im Gsp, I say fuck it, lets do this at at catch weight of 160 lol

  1. rofl. MMA fans really do share the characteristics of their heros. In this case, no balls/heart.

    In pride, you were a bitch if you didn't allow knees and stomps with opponents at least 22lps heavier. It's called budo.

    Anderson will save jones for last. He's done a great job positioning himself for great payday and provisions when it goes down. Phone Post
ThatKickDidntHuroooohhhhhhhh -

GSP beats Anderson at 170, even though it's complete BS that Anderson can make 170.

LOL. Still in denial eh? :-) Phone Post

MrNiceguy66 - That's crazy how Anderson's weight is capable of fluctuating that drastically!

I'd love to see him against GSP there. What if he beat GSP at WW, beat Weidman at MW, and then beat JBJ at LHW and retired as a 3 division champ undefeated in his UFC career. If he can really make 170, that wouldn't be impossible.

Thanks Dana, I'm excited again for something that probably will not happen, but at least it's fun to think about... Phone Post

Absolutely possible too Phone Post

"That's crazy how Anderson's weight is capable of fluctuating that drastically!"

Is it that drastic? He weighed in at 202 against Bonnar. Johnny Hendricks weighs 210 between fights and fights at 170.

Can't wait for anderson to KO this tucking yellow clown, after that he'll be the 2nd best everything at welterweight.

"I personally can not see the ufc doing this fight aymt 170. A catch weight is most likely.

It has everything to do with the title... If Anderson wins the ww belt, will he actually cut the weight again to fight the contenders at 170? Highly unlikely considering he is only interested in huge names now.

So what's the ufc do at that point? The have a ww tournament to determine the new champ at 170, which gsp wins, and then everyone thinks he is a paper champion."

great point....

i think this is one of the issues with the "superfights".... the aftermath in determining matches, contenders, etc.

IMO, if Anderson could make 170, then he would have done it already.... and more than that, i really don't see what he has to gain, besides a decent payday (but he makes great money already).... if he cut to 170, i can see that being really difficult for him at this age. i suspect his TDD is not gonna be very good with that big of a loss in weight/H2O, and GSP would most likely do what he does and grind it out. heck, AS might even lose a lot of speed with that big of a cut....

even if he is successful, he will prolly take more damage than he has before, and again, at his age, might not recover well enough to defend either belt.

Anderson v GSP at MW, Anderson all day long...

Anderson v GSP at WW? i'm picking GSP....

as far as the GOAT argument, i still think Anderson has it over GSP, due to the fact he's fought up in wieght many times, and the insane number of UFC records he currently holds....

Maybe he can, maybe he can't. We've heard all the possibilities, now it's time to actually see the fight happen.

Wasa-B - 
awesomestprime - LOL @ Anderson going to 170 to fight GSP. It's not 2005 guys.

More like, its not 2001.

174 vs Okami in 2006.



the geek - Will it affect his ability to have more children?

10/10 Phone Post

Thank you nix.

UG, pls stop using the word "budo" if you do not know what it means.....guess we probably run out of words we can use though if that applies to all of them.

Herman Munster - 

GSP will beat Anderson at 170, and make it look easy.

My thoughts exactly....

nix1331 - 
KingOfFighters - 
gamer - 
OnlyTheStrongSurvive - 

So if you're GSP, do you decide to fight him and risk losing your title, fight him at a catchweight, or decide you want to move to 185? Phone Post

Anderson is the one cowardly campaigning for a fight with the much smaller GSP, instead of asking for a fight with Jones lol

Truth is, Gsp doesn't need Anderson and doesn't care etc

Anderson is the one who needs Gso and who wants this fight

So if im GSP,

Im MAKING Anderson cut as much weight as humanly possible if he wants to take the easy route and pick a fight with me - the much smaller fighter

If im GSP, I make every demand possible, and I make the match a living hell for Anderson to get

If im Gsp, I say fuck it, lets do this at at catch weight of 160 lol

Cowardly? You mean the same gsp that's beat up a bunch of lightweights, but he wasn't called a coward then was he? So if anderson moves down to 170, he's a bully? How?

what LW did GSP call out for years saying they should move to WW to fight him? and dont say bj the former WW champ. so GSP has not called out any LW fighter that i recall and A silva has called out a lighter fighter so if calling out a lighter fighter is cowardly than only silva has done it.
imo if silva is calling gsp out because he thinks it would b fight of the century and its what the fans want than thats not cowardly.....if hes calling gsp out because hes sure he can beat him and make his legacy better than its super fuking cowardly

IT DOESNT FUCKING MATTER if gsp called out a LW or not, the fact is, he's fought SEVERAL fighters whom he'd have the same height/reach difference they didnt have against gsp, that anderson would enjoy vs GSP. The facts are those were fights at a certain weight so GSP isn't crucified for them, but if anderson comes down to his weight he should be?

Everyone's been calling gsp goat some shit for a while now, yet has not face not 1 single legend his height/weight proportion or more PERIOD. He wants to be the wayne gretzki of mma yet ducks anderson? HES A FUCKING PUSSY, these are not claims of a humble man, but the claims of a man that wants legendary status, and to have that sort of status you have to go above and beyond your weight class PERIOD. It's happened in many combat sports, period. GSP aint no goat, if he was he would of fought anderson 5 years ago. Respect to anyone that gets into the cage ,but that doesn't mean some people are too cowardly to fight certain fighters

Lol my god some of you take all this way too seriously.

somewhere...Johnny Hendricks head just exploded.