Dana: "Anderson said he can make 170"

Anderson is trolling again Phone Post

kflinchy -
MrNiceguy66 -  That's crazy how Anderson's weight is capable of fluctuating that drastically!

I'd love to see him against GSP there. What if he beat GSP at WW, beat Weidman at MW, and then beat JBJ at LHW and retired as a 3 division champ undefeated in his UFC career. If he can really make 170, that wouldn't be impossible.

Thanks Dana, I'm excited again for something that probably will not happen, but at least it's fun to think about... Phone Post

12'ers gonna dream

^you're 2 1/2 months away from being a "12'er"

Lol Phone Post

Glovegate -

Catchweights are not necessary to make bouts non-title fights.  All you have to do is declare a fight is not for the title.

True but if AS beat him at 170 in a 5 round fight who wouldn't consider him the champ? Phone Post

If he can make 170 what's cyborgs excuse? Phone Post

dabigchet - "anderson is huge" is a bit of a myth. he weighed in something like 202 against bonner without a cut, was supposedly only 190-something in the cage against sonnen and has fought at 167 before. he absolutely could make 170 if he wanted to.

i would rather have it be catch weight/no title though.


GSP is at a point now where he begins cutting WATER at around 193 but he's 3 weeks out from a title defense at 198 and that is a number ONE RECORD from GSP's camp. You know who ELSE comes into fight week in the mid-high 90s? Anderson Silva.

LEAN MASS...they are nearly identical. and GSP is actually likekly a big bigger muscle mass wise, GSP should have a strength edge.

End of the day it's a proportionality difference, not a sure physical advantage on way or the other. Add in the stylistic advantages that GSP has...and...its a LEGIT I'd say fair fight.

Given who these two men are, GSP and Silva I think it's completely fair.


Posting high again...

SOO72 - Suddenly he can make 170 no problem? Why didn't he say so sooner. Back when they had him on Ando-Cam during GSP vs. Condit they could have signed the fight right there had Ando said anything about making 170.

People say "In before people accuse Ando of ducking Wiedman" but why would they even think that in the first place?

Even the Ando lovers can see the suspect timing, yet they will dismiss it and anyone else who sees it as ridiculous.

I hope he does fight GSP at 170 and I hope GSP surprises everyone and hands him his first UFC loss.

He did...he has been campaigning for a catch-weight fight for over 4 year but GSP wanted none of it. Anderson started talking about dropping to 170 for the fight years ago.

Here is an article from July 2010 where Anderson says he could make the weight but Dana was busy protecting his golden goose

He brought up again last summer:

It is sad your hate of Anderson blinds you to reality...have fun in you sad dream world

nonsense, the bulk ANderson has since he used to do 170 would make that cut dangerous for him.


ANd why is GSP always accused of ducking ANderson when he has consistently 3-5 people pining to fight him in his own division. MW and LHW are the one with no clear head of the pack guys right now hence Chael fighting Jon and Hendo getting shafted repeatedly.


I love Anderson but I wouldn't 170 be a massive cut at this point?

Haha GSP is fucked! Phone Post

Brigham - 

So if Anderson can make 170, what would then be GSP's excuse? Phone Post

Anderson can not and will not go to 170. He's already "supposedly" said this before, yet we have no actual proof of him saying it, ever.

IMO the fight should happen at a catch weight, because if anyone is going to have an excuse, it's Andersons camp/Ed Soares who are going to use the "weight loss hindered him" excuse.

I think after the Diaz fight, GSP vs. Anderson will happen at a catch weight, or at 185 with GSP permanently moving up. Then que the fools like this guy with the GSP is scared of Hendricks (or Ellenberger) posts.

easedel - Dominate a weak to so-so division...what do next? move DOWN a weight class!


If MW was that weak, Maia would've been running roughshod over guys the way he has since dropping to WW. Also, you notice that no WWs want to go up, even when they know they aren't getting a title fight.

will believe it when I see it

and if he can, let GSP ragdoll an immensely drained Silva

I think people want to see the fight. I think people are sick of the talk ABOUT maybe fighting.

orcus - 

I honestly can't see a big difference.





I'll try to find some better comparisons later.

I think people just can't get their heads around the fact that Anderson isn't a very heavy guy at his usual fighting weights.

Actually, that's cool that you posted the same guys in the comparison! lol. IMO both Andy and Okami grew into their MW frames by the time they fought in the UFC. I think both of them easily look leaner/slimmer in the ROTR fight and why shouldnt they, it was 10 lbs and a few years ago.

And i wouldnt say Okami is "huge" at MW either, i dont think he's bigger than anyone else of the top guys but he is a legit sized MW that is not undersized and he and Andy look pretty similar in their UFC bout, no?

Look at Andy's lats in the UFC vs ROTR, just more meat on the frame. I know Shooto was 167 but he was a stick against Sakurai. I seriously doubt he can make 170 today.


He shouldn't have to go down, George should be honored and go up Phone Post

LOL fuck off

Anderson calling out a guy at a lighter weight to go up and fight him is real heroic isnt it? Its like a big bully trying to pick on a smaller guy. If Anderson is so desperate to fight GSP, then GSP is perfectly within his right to say "seeya at 170 then"

Gene Pitney - 

He shouldn't have to go down, George should be honored and go up Phone Post

LOL fuck off

Anderson calling out a guy at a lighter weight to go up and fight him is real heroic isnt it? Its like a big bully trying to pick on a smaller guy. If Anderson is so desperate to fight GSP, then GSP is perfectly within his right to say "seeya at 170 then"

You're going to be in tears when anderson breaks your boyfriends face wont you.

the geek - Will it affect his ability to have more children?

Well played

"I know Shooto was 167 but he was a stick against Sakurai."

I suspect he was much more than 3lb lighter for the Sakurai fight than he would be in a 170 fight today.

The difference between 167 and 175 Anderson looks WAY bigger than the difference between 175 Anderson and 185 Anderson imo. I think he has put on some muscle and can cut weight when he has to.

I just don't see a big difference here (these are the two Okami fights, 175 and 185), and think today's Anderson would probably look similar in a 170 fight as he did in the 175 fight with Okami.


anderson okami photo andokami_zps5ca0e79d.jpg

I personally can not see the ufc doing this fight aymt 170. A catch weight is most likely.

It has everything to do with the title... If Anderson wins the ww belt, will he actually cut the weight again to fight the contenders at 170? Highly unlikely considering he is only interested in huge names now.

So what's the ufc do at that point? The have a ww tournament to determine the new champ at 170, which gsp wins, and then everyone thinks he is a paper champion. Phone Post