Dana gets to take 1 fighter to set up a new org?

Just say Dana falls out with the Fertitas and they buy him out but part of the deal is he can take any 1 fighter to help him launch his new company. Who does he take?

Obviously him and Jones aren't on best terms but Jones is arguably the biggest star? Chael for his fight selling but then he doesn't have the most exciting style, Anderson doesn't have to many fights left so I'm gonna go with GSP, dominant champ, marketable and a company man, thoughts? Phone Post

 That a good hypothetical...all the huge stars are getting old, JBJ is a prick. Probably the baddest man on the planet, JDS?  Heavyweights always sell

Until he can sign more fighters, he can start with Josh Neer.

Frankie Edgar dude has a man crush on him

He would probably take jones if he could swallow his pride. Kids young so he’ll be able to stick around while danas building the new company, jones is still incredibly marketable so he’ll bring in a bunch of fans Phone Post

The Reem. Phone Post

If it was an org in Japan= Overeem

BJ. He'd fight in every weight class. Phone Post

Malvert the Janitor - 

BJ. He'd fight in every weight class. Phone Post

this haha

Bring Jon Jones and set him up as the unstoppable heel.

Nick Diaz would have been my first choice but he has been susceptible to lay n pray decision losses before.

Legalize It - Bring Jon Jones and set him up as the unstoppable heel.

Nick Diaz would have been my first choice but he has been susceptible to lay n pray decision losses before.

Plus he has a lot of baggage with the drugs test, missed press conferences etc Phone Post

Chael Sonnen

rjambi - Chael Sonnen

Good choice. Chael Sonnen could sell you sand in a desert.



Nate or nick diaz, lesnar if he was still active haha Phone Post

A Silva

BJ Phone Post

I think the best niche for a promotion right now would be a WEC style smaller weight org. There is a ton of depth in those divisions without having to spend outrageous money for fighters. His biggest asset would be Aldo. Phone Post

Rory MacDonald if he's thinking long term. Phone Post