Did Dana really rip penn after he wouldn't re-sign?
GayGuardMooseSaucy - Did Dana really rip penn after he wouldn't re-sign?
See pages 41-42
GayGuardMooseSaucy - Did Dana really rip penn after he wouldn't re-sign?Bj Penn is the reason they implemented the "champions clause".
He left as the champ. When he came back, he wore his belt during his walkout. When they announced he was coming back, he had an in-cage promo during a ppv and he wore a shirt that said something like the real champ or the champ is back or something like that. (This is all from memory so I'm sure the details aren't 100% perfect)
I have never liked Dana, I have always thought that he was overtly petty, vindictive, slow witted, thin skinned, egomaniacal, and devoid of pretense of honor or integrity. That said, however, it is interesting to see how profoundly the UG's view of him has changed over the short expanse of the last 2 to 3 years. Going back in time a few years, Dana was damn near universally deified on this site even when talking shit about fighters, trying to limit access to UFC events to any journalist or media outlet who spoke ill of him or the UFC and destroying promotional rivals for the overt and obvious purpose of limiting the negotiating power of fighters and keeping mma compensation levels low.
VU victor and TMT. That's crazy, not a fan of BJ but I can't even imagine the UFC without him.
CapnKindBud -ChaosOverkill -The part of business where you can go from 60-0 in seconds is damage control, and that is the area where Dana doesn't understand what to do and it usually comes from experience or training/education. He's great when things are rolling, but he should never have been the guy in charge of damage control, especially for damage he caused, all you do is keep piling on the problem and now their solution is to scrub his media accounts and hide him from sight.
All that does now, is look blatantly obvious that they are afraid of his mouth/brain causing more damage.
This is why going into business with friends has a time bomb attached to it.
<span class="User-193222" id="userPost51855468">Isn't he worth hundreds of millions?<br /> If so, I'd say that he does know how to do business . Just looking at it from a business standpoint. Isn't the object of business to make money?<br /> The UFC has had a shitty year in US PPV numbers but I would guess that they made some decent dough in Mexico, Ireland and Brazil also.<br /> I don't know.<br /> I think that the UFC is cool as hell and I come and look at this message board that I've been a member of for ten years and all I see is people who hate the UFC and who have absolutely nothing positive to add to this forum.<br /> Who cares about their expenses and Dana White?<br /> When I first started posting here, we were talking to the best fighters in the world. We were fans and we told them how much we dug and respected what they do.<br /> We weren't cutting them down, we were having conversations with them about mma.<br /> What the fuck man. Who the fuck are you people ? <img alt="Phone Post 3.0" border="0" src="/images/phone/apple.png" style="vertical-align:middle;" /></span></blockquote>
lol ok captain sour puss.
Yeah he built the business alone and with his two hands. He wasn't running from Boston Mobsters and got rescue by his loaded Italian connected school friends.
Everything you post is irate and with the emotions of a teenager. You seem to have serious issues with differences of opinion.
Congrats on buying someones 04 name liar.
CapnKindBud -ChaosOverkill -CapnKindBud -ChaosOverkill -The part of business where you can go from 60-0 in seconds is damage control, and that is the area where Dana doesn't understand what to do and it usually comes from experience or training/education. He's great when things are rolling, but he should never have been the guy in charge of damage control, especially for damage he caused, all you do is keep piling on the problem and now their solution is to scrub his media accounts and hide him from sight.
All that does now, is look blatantly obvious that they are afraid of his mouth/brain causing more damage.
This is why going into business with friends has a time bomb attached to it.
<span class="User-193222" id="userPost51857547"><span class="User-193222" id="userPost51855468">Isn't he worth hundreds of millions?<br /> If so, I'd say that he does know how to do business . Just looking at it from a business standpoint. Isn't the object of business to make money?<br /> The UFC has had a shitty year in US PPV numbers but I would guess that they made some decent dough in Mexico, Ireland and Brazil also.<br /> I don't know.<br /> I think that the UFC is cool as hell and I come and look at this message board that I've been a member of for ten years and all I see is people who hate the UFC and who have absolutely nothing positive to add to this forum.<br /> Who cares about their expenses and Dana White?<br /> When I first started posting here, we were talking to the best fighters in the world. We were fans and we told them how much we dug and respected what they do.<br /> We weren't cutting them down, we were having conversations with them about mma.<br /> What the fuck man. Who the fuck are you people ? <img alt="Phone Post 3.0" border="0" src="/images/phone/apple.png" style="vertical-align:middle;" /></span></span></blockquote> <p> <span class="User-193222" id="userPost51857547"> </span></p> <p> <span class="User-193222" id="userPost51857547">lol ok captain sour puss.</span></p> <p> <span class="User-193222" id="userPost51857547"> </span></p> <p> <span class="User-193222" id="userPost51857547">Yeah he built the business alone and with his two hands. He wasn't running from Boston Mobsters and got rescue by his loaded Italian connected school friends.</span></p> <p> <span class="User-193222" id="userPost51857547"><span style="line-height: 1.6em;">Everything you post is irate and with the emotions of a teenager. You seem to have serious issues with differences of opinion. </span></span></p> <p> <span class="User-193222" id="userPost51857547">Congrats on buying someones 04 name liar.</span></p> </blockquote> <span class="User-193222" id="userPost51857547">You are a joke.<br /> Who the fuck do you think that you are? You give business advise to people that can buy you and everyone you know .<br /> You are also ignorant . The things that you say are also ignorant. You play the devil's advocate and try to play off some sort of knowledge but it's all bullshit. And whenever someone calls you on your bullshit, you try to attack instead of back up your ignorant premise.<br /> It's the know it all dumb fucks like you who have turned this place from a positive place to discuss FIGHTS into a know it all bitch-type arrogance fest.<br /> A lot of us used to enjoy talking with the fighters and Dana White before the billionaire advisors like you showed up.<br /> Blow me...I was here when you were shitting mustard. <img alt="Phone Post 3.0" border="0" src="/images/phone/apple.png" style="vertical-align:middle;" /></span></blockquote>
I think Werdum is enjoying his belt with a kid somewhere. Better go tell him he's not champ and make sure he knows and set him straight salty sour puss.
Getting into an internet shouting match with angry internet sour puss = trying to kill a man with pellets.
A whole lot of pointless. I discuss with adults you only jibber and scream like a teenager. You need to smoke more "Kind Bud" and do you mean respond with facts like you did with your Werdum tantrum spam threads when he won? Take your own advice hombre, emotionally unstable internet people like you are the fighter bashers who ruined this place.
Change starts with you.
Lose my number.
Babies gonna baby!
victorpoprock -GayGuardMooseSaucy - Did Dana really rip penn after he wouldn't re-sign?Bj Penn is the reason they implemented the "champions clause".
He left as the champ. When he came back, he wore his belt during his walkout. When they announced he was coming back, he had an in-cage promo during a ppv and he wore a shirt that said something like the real champ or the champ is back or something like that. (This is all from memory so I'm sure the details aren't 100% perfect)
The champion's clause actually made it into the Cohen Milstein complaint:
The “Champion’s Clause,” which allows the UFC to extend a UFC Fighter’s contract for as long as the athlete is a “champion” in his or her weight class, preventing the Fighter from financially benefiting from his or her “championship” status by soliciting competing bids from other MMA Promotions even after the end of his or her original UFC contract term.
This clause denies UFC Fighters free agency — despite their being independent contractors — thereby retaining the Fighter’s services for the UFC effectively indefinitely.
TMT -So basically the same reason all the fanboys called bellator evil for. Plus the UFC owns your likeness and such in perpetuity.victorpoprock -GayGuardMooseSaucy - Did Dana really rip penn after he wouldn't re-sign?Bj Penn is the reason they implemented the "champions clause".
He left as the champ. When he came back, he wore his belt during his walkout. When they announced he was coming back, he had an in-cage promo during a ppv and he wore a shirt that said something like the real champ or the champ is back or something like that. (This is all from memory so I'm sure the details aren't 100% perfect)
The champion's clause actually made it into the Cohen Milstein complaint:
The “Champion’s Clause,” which allows the UFC to extend a UFC Fighter’s contract for as long as the athlete is a “champion” in his or her weight class, preventing the Fighter from financially benefiting from his or her “championship” status by soliciting competing bids from other MMA Promotions even after the end of his or her original UFC contract term.
This clause denies UFC Fighters free agency — despite their being independent contractors — thereby retaining the Fighter’s services for the UFC effectively indefinitely.
CapnKindBud - I understand all this . I do and I think that there are some real shitty parts to this.Because they have no other options. That's such a dumb fucking argument.
But why did they sign that shit?
That's the biggest problem they have. No one forced them to sign .
he's a proven liar, but he gives free tickets out sometimes so its okay
Without Dana protecting this sport it would be a shell of itself. Caved in by political correctness. If you think it's to PC now imagine with no Dana. He protected the UFC for many years. People knew that if you fucked with the UFC Dana wouldn't cave and say sorry. He would hit back. So many groups left UFC alone because they were accustomed to get their way.
You really think CM Punk signed his likeness rights away? I am 99 percent sure he would laugh at anyone trying to do that.
Team Blackhouse Fan - You really think CM Punk signed his likeness rights away? I am 99 percent sure he would laugh at anyone trying to do that.I'm sure James Toney didn't either.
I for one like Dana. He is a great President that changed the perception that to lead an organization you had to be this boring suit with an arrow up his butt. If we put a microscope on any one of your lives, it would reveal good and bad character moments, decisions, and statements. No one is perfect and it is the fact that he is in such a prominent position that allows us to catch him in these most precarious embarrassing moments. Everyone errs and Dana is no exception. He says some dumb shit, makes some goof decisions like not signing Askren, and has his little beefs with business partners aka fighters. So what? That's what makes me a fan is because he has personality and brings entertainment to the corporate side of sports. He is a fan first, it shows, almost embarrassingly so, but it makes me relate to the guy. He is what I imagine one of us on this site would be if we led the UFC. A fan first, corporate head second. Being overly professional is overrated. Overall the guy is good to the fighters. I just hope this industry finds a way to better compensate these guys. If boxing can do it, so can mixed martial arts.
When you actually -have- leverage you don't need to go berserker-mode.
pegson123 - Without Dana protecting this sport it would be a shell of itself. Caved in by political correctness. If you think it's to PC now imagine with no Dana. He protected the UFC for many years. People knew that if you fucked with the UFC Dana wouldn't cave and say sorry. He would hit back. So many groups left UFC alone because they were accustomed to get their way.VU. Political correctness has made a victim of American Football. Give me a Dana over a pussy like Goodell any day.
GayGuardMooseSaucy -Team Blackhouse Fan - You really think CM Punk signed his likeness rights away? I am 99 percent sure he would laugh at anyone trying to do that.I'm sure James Toney didn't either.
Yeah not a chance