Dana is Pissed!

suess - 
D241 -  Suess, first of all, you cannot comment on any arguments with GSP when you have him in your avatar, just looks impossible to pursuade any logic.

2nd of all, thanks again for showing me(how easy it is)how to post pics.

3rd, despite my own beliefs that without greasing GSP probably still would've won, I have to admit that no one can say definitively that without greasing GSP still would've won.<br type="_moz" />

 he is my avatar because i am a known GSP nut hugger, i just embraced it.  I have to say i don't believe i've ever said anything outlandish but maybe i have. 

you're welcome on the pics

i can say GSP would have won with or without the grease.  i can also say it doesn't matter because it wasn't illegal when it happened and he was never punished (or was he?)  it's also in the past and GSP is still dominant now without the grease. 

the dead horse pic was accurate.

you can say elephants fuck you in your ass and you dont feel a thing, but that wont make it true.

hahaha yer gay

BJ was working for the gogo in the first fight with gsp. I thought he was going to get it.

GSP greased in the second fight so he could avoid this. he cant grease with nick and nick is all bout the gogo.

Nick by gogoplata.

Can they enforce GSP from greasing though? I'm concern for Nick. I don't want the same thing with BJ happening to Nick.

Stone Rolled - Can they enforce GSP from greasing though? I'm concern for Nick. I don't want the same thing with BJ happening to Nick.

haha me either.

And you guys thought 11ers were dumbasses.. Phone Post

yomamafool - BJ was working for the gogo in the first fight with gsp. I thought he was going to get it.

GSP greased so he could avoid this. he cant grease with nick and nick is all bout the gogo.

Nick by gogoplata.

 The craziest prediction I've ever seen was a dude screenname Jordan on mmafighting.net who 2 weeks before Diaz fought Gomi, predicted that Diaz would win via gogoplata.

Please do not edit this post, or your reply to mine.

What round does Diaz GoGo GSP?  You will deserve a blue name if it happens.

For later Phone Post

Diaz by gogo rd2 Phone Post

<blockquote>D241 - <blockquote>yomamafool - BJ was working for the gogo in the first fight with gsp. I thought he was going to get it.<br /><br />GSP greased so he could avoid this. he cant grease with nick and nick is all bout the gogo.<br /><br />Nick by gogoplata.</blockquote><br /> The craziest prediction I've ever seen was a dude screenname Jordan on mmafighting.net who 2 weeks before Diaz fought Gomi, predicted that Diaz would win via gogoplata.<br /><br />.<br /><br />Please do not edit this post, or your reply to mine.<br /><br />What round does Diaz GoGo GSP?  You will deserve a blue name if it happens.<br type="_moz" /></blockquote><br />

i did edit to clarify i was talking about the difference between the two fights. sorry bout that