Dana really needs to can it...

Oh, and a woman that has made it clear many times she'd never move up to fight Cyborg, who would kill her.


That is the biggest star in The UFC ladies and gentlemen, right there.  Holy shit isn't that awesome?


Has the sport ever been in a better place ever!?  She can cut to 135, so she doesn't have to get beat up by another woman who would crush her, and she is the biggest star in The UFC.


We are living the fucking dream when it comes to MMA right now!


How many cards and TUF seasons this week?

JoeHurley - Fans complain that the UFC needs to market and build stars and that they only want to build the brand and push Dana. Then when Dana tries to push a star like Ronda there are complaint threads like this. Some dabs will never be happy.

And yes, I think Ronda could wreck the average man who had no real fight training. Not sure what's so offensive about that starement. Makes sense to me.

You think you can walk down the vegas strip and there won't be a big guy who is like 200+ pounds with some fighting or wrestling experience?

Dana gets a pass from me for at least the next 6 months after his performance at the TUF Finale post fight presser. My man crush may last even longer than that... Phone Post 3.0

BigWilliam - He is a promoter, but when he slings that much bullshit people just start to tune him out. There is a difference between promoting and being utterly ridiculous.

This is spot on. There's a point where I don't like hearing all the extra bullshit. She is the best in her division, bar none, hands down, the end. However, I don't need the attempts to turn her into a proverbial Bruce Lee of the modern era.

Mike Tyson ran through all of his opponents as he rose to the top and arguably, most, if not all of his opponents were well below his level. One could make the same argument of RR--it's painfully obvious the women's division has not caught up and is moving at a snail's pace to match her capabilities. But again, don't tell me a 135 lbs woman will run through Las Vegas Blvd with no problems. It's laughable, at best.

It pulls us back into the early days of the UFC, when everyone said Gracie JJ and Royce were unbeatable, no matter the size of the opponent. Well, that has changed and to claim she can beat anyone of the strip? Again, it goes beyond promoting and into the land of complete bullshit.

Jezus Krist it's called HYPE people! He's a fucking salesman!!!! If he wasn't doing this he'd be telling fat chicks they'd look like a Goddess after 6 weeks of Boxercize with his special method. He's selling the next Rousey PPV. That's what a good salesman does - constantly peddles his product. Phone Post 3.0

Malvert the Janitor - Dana gets a pass from me for at least the next 6 months after his performance at the TUF Finale post fight presser. My man crush may last even longer than that... Phone Post 3.0

Word. It was good to see him step up and defend one of the best mixed martial artists of our time. It seems Dana bashing is the "in" thing to do now. Sometimes he deserves it, but all the freaking time is rediculous. This here is a good example, but you won't see any "it was cool to see Dana step up for BJ" threads.

pheonix5 -
Malvert the Janitor - Dana gets a pass from me for at least the next 6 months after his performance at the TUF Finale post fight presser. My man crush may last even longer than that... Phone Post 3.0

Word. It was good to see him step up and defend one of the best mixed martial artists of our time. It seems Dana bashing is the "in" thing to do now. Sometimes he deserves it, but all the freaking time is rediculous. This here is a good example, but you won't see any "it was cool to see Dana step up for BJ" threads.

I challenge you to find any other instance I have said anything bad about Dana. I have not. Phone Post 3.0

JoeHurley - Fans complain that the UFC needs to market and build stars and that they only want to build the brand and push Dana. Then when Dana tries to push a star like Ronda there are complaint threads like this. Some dabs will never be happy. And yes, I think Ronda could wreck the average man who had no real fight training. Not sure what's so offensive about that starement. Makes sense to me.


Like it or not the Male side of the sport will always be the preference. If Men's MMA was abolished hypothetically tomorrow, MMA as we know it becomes nothing close to it is today and buildings empty almost entirely. The reverse is not true as we know. It's fine to market Ronda, but only marketing Ronda and marketing her as equal to the men, when you will never test that presumption, is idiotic.


Her last three fights were scary, pure aggression, justbleed fan's dream. I never thought I'd see a woman finish multiple women with body shots. The way she ragdolled Tate, Davis and crumpled Davis, McMann. I pay my sixty dollars to watch her.

Take her out onto a barge, and have her fight some men then, until then it's a kid talking about comic book superhero's fighting to me.


Proof or stop the hyperbole.

Hes a fight/fighter promoter...

Is anybody on this thread willing to accept the challenge and go spar with her?

JoeHurley - 

Is anybody on this thread willing to accept the challenge and go spar with her?


I have no doubt she can beat some average untrained guys, but the MMA media and Dana put her on p4p lists with men at the top. It doesn't compute to me without beating male fighters.


Atomic - 
pheonix5 -
Malvert the Janitor - Dana gets a pass from me for at least the next 6 months after his performance at the TUF Finale post fight presser. My man crush may last even longer than that... Phone Post 3.0

Word. It was good to see him step up and defend one of the best mixed martial artists of our time. It seems Dana bashing is the "in" thing to do now. Sometimes he deserves it, but all the freaking time is rediculous. This here is a good example, but you won't see any "it was cool to see Dana step up for BJ" threads.

I challenge you to find any other instance I have said anything bad about Dana. I have not. Phone Post 3.0

I wasn't trying to single you out,apologies if it came across that way. I was speaking as a whole.  I should have said "this here is a good example of Dana doing something good" as I was referring to MTJ's post.

pheonix5 -
Malvert the Janitor - Dana gets a pass from me for at least the next 6 months after his performance at the TUF Finale post fight presser. My man crush may last even longer than that... Phone Post 3.0

Word. It was good to see him step up and defend one of the best mixed martial artists of our time. It seems Dana bashing is the "in" thing to do now. Sometimes he deserves it, but all the freaking time is rediculous. This here is a good example, but you won't see any "it was cool to see Dana step up for BJ" threads.

Agreed 100%

Dana's great IMO. Phone Post 3.0

Why is anybody surprised? Aside from the face that he is a promoter, he has always been Dana White. People keep making these redundant threads complaining or acting surprised. I don't agree with most of the things he says, but Dana gonna Dana despite how much we complain.

so you expect dana NOT to try and promote the shit out of probably the biggest star the UFC has right now?

like it or not people LOVE to watch her fight and want to see what happens next.

she's undefeated and has absolutely destroyed everyone in her division. she's also big in the mainstream media and she's in the expendables - she is getting as big as any UFC fighter could ever be.

why the fuck would you not promote her? or do you have no financial sense at all?

you're just finding shit to hate on

onandon - so you expect dana NOT to try and promote the shit out of probably the biggest star the UFC has right now?

like it or not people LOVE to watch her fight and want to see what happens next.

she's undefeated and has absolutely destroyed everyone in her division. she's also big in the mainstream media and she's in the expendables - she is getting as big as any UFC fighter could ever be.

why the fuck would you not promote her? or do you have no financial sense at all?

you're just finding shit to hate on
I normally wouldn't do this--but you're an idiot. Yes, I have financial sense. Yes, he should promote her. I disagree with the way he did it. As a long time fan and a one time hardcore fan, I know she would not wreck people like he says. Maybe if I was a casual fan I wouldn't mind. However, it's just 100% irresponsible. Hell, he might as well say she can turn green and lift cares. Or kill 10 Navy Seals with 1 punch.

Rousey's merits are there and she has destroyed her competition. We do not need unsubstantiated hype or hyperbole.

Either have her fight Cat (who isn't close to her 100% peak), Cyborg, or Gina. I think Cyborg has the best shot, but I'd love to see Gina in there as well (although I think she has a 5% chance of winning). Phone Post 3.0

This is the most ridiculous thread I've read today. Phone Post 3.0