dana, stop crying wolf (tickets)

if you say the main event of a card is to determine the next in line for a title shot, stick with it unless there is an injury to the contender or some other extraordinary circumstance...

obviously when you say that the fight is for a shot at the title, it raises the stakes and theoretically will increase viewers ....and lets face it, thats why you say it...

but if you don't follow through, its essentially a fraud on the public...

k, thx, bye

Agreed. It also hurts the UFC's legitimacy. Phone Post 3.0

In other words, Dana, please don't be a promoter.

I agree with the sentiment but promoters will promote.

GeoDim - Agreed. It also hurts the UFC's legitimacy. Phone Post 3.0

Complete BS

Not that Machida earned it but yea, HTF did he lose it? LMFAO

ThatKickDidntHuroooohhhhhhhh - 

In other words, Dana, please don't be a promoter.

I agree with the sentiment but promoters will promote.

dana is an awesome promoter...ufc wouldnt be where it is without him...BUT this type of stuff cant be overlooked...

You just wanted to use the phrase "crying wolf tickets"























voted up

Pitbull3744 -

I dont believe a word that comes out of that promoters mouth.  He is worse than Don King straight up.  The person who SHOULD get title fights never ever does, and that is THE ONLY thing i respect about Bellator, you win the tourney you get the shot regardless if you are a huge draw or not.  Believe it or not people respect that and will slowly get sick of the boxing i mean UFC's bullshit.  I get the fact "he puts on the fights fans want to see" lol and i like that but i would also like to see fighters like TJ Grant get their fucking title shots i dont need to keep seeing Chael, or Rashad, or the same people getting title shots just because of shit talking or their name value.  

I understand what ya mean but Don King?!?!?!? Wtf is the matter with ya ? Ever hear of of Don King donating money to save a Lil girls life ? Ever hear if him standing for hrs bullshitting with fans ?

Tat2 Phone Post 3.0

(Mike Oxslong) -
Pitbull3744 -

I dont believe a word that comes out of that promoters mouth.  He is worse than Don King straight up.  The person who SHOULD get title fights never ever does, and that is THE ONLY thing i respect about Bellator, you win the tourney you get the shot regardless if you are a huge draw or not.  Believe it or not people respect that and will slowly get sick of the boxing i mean UFC's bullshit.  I get the fact "he puts on the fights fans want to see" lol and i like that but i would also like to see fighters like TJ Grant get their fucking title shots i dont need to keep seeing Chael, or Rashad, or the same people getting title shots just because of shit talking or their name value.  

I understand what ya mean but Don King?!?!?!? Wtf is the matter with ya ? Ever hear of of Don King donating money to save a Lil girls life ? Ever hear if him standing for hrs bullshitting with fans ?

Tat2 Phone Post 3.0

There's a lot to like about Dana as a person. Unfortunately, there's a lot to dislike about Dana as a promoter. Phone Post

notsobigmike - It seems to me (off the top of my head at least) that making a fight an official title eliminator usually backfires.

Both guys just want the win so they can get that title shot and tend to fight more conservatively.

I prefer it when the UFC takes the stance that whoever goes out there and makes a statement is the guy who's getting the title shot.

Which was exactly how Machida was guaranteed the next shot against Jones the first time. It was whoever had the most impressive victory that night got the shot and after the fight Dana said it was Machida. No matter how you want to look at it Machida is the one who should be fighting Jones. Phone Post

Pitbull3744 - 

I dont believe a word that comes out of that promoters mouth.  He is worse than Don King straight up.  The person who SHOULD get title fights never ever does, and that is THE ONLY thing i respect about Bellator, you win the tourney you get the shot regardless if you are a huge draw or not.  Believe it or not people respect that and will slowly get sick of the boxing i mean UFC's bullshit.  I get the fact "he puts on the fights fans want to see" lol and i like that but i would also like to see fighters like TJ Grant get their fucking title shots i dont need to keep seeing Chael, or Rashad, or the same people getting title shots just because of shit talking or their name value.  


You were kissing Dana's ass in another thread not too long ago.  Now you're saying he's worse than Don King?


"King was born in Cleveland, Ohio. After dropping out of Kent State University, he ran an illegal bookmaking operation, and was charged for killing two men in separate incidents 13 years apart. The first was determined to be justifiable homicide after it was found that King shot Hillary Brown in the back and killed him while he was attempting to rob one of King's gambling houses. King was convicted of second degree murder for the second killing in 1966 after he was found guilty of stomping to death an employee, Sam Garrett, who owed him $600."

But Dana's worse than that, right? 

Why so defensive?  I just merely pointed out that there was no way Dana was worse than Don King, a man who killed two people and stole millions from countless others.  Maybe you should try reading my post.

you got the term wrong

it is selling wolf tickets not crying

This pitbull327 or whatever numbers he has Behind it is the pussy that I had it out with on here 1 day and I said at least I come talk on the UG under my real name and he said he is afraid for people to know his real identity. Lol like he's some fucking super spy. Fucking clown Phone Post

Dana WTF come in here and post to this fuckin guy & Duck the OP's point??

Machida got lied to about a title shot you told him he had multiple times after multiple fights (not that he earned it IMO). Why?

WTF would you give Sonnen a fuckin title shot at JBJ? He beat no one in the damn weight class FFS??!! Why did you rob Hendo of that fight again for the third time (as you did the 2nd time prior when in 2011 Hendo won the SF title, beat Fedor & Shogun and Evans had only beaten Tito who has not even won a fight in a long long while). Legit? LMFAO

MMAE (entertainment), not a sport

Still like Dana but I learned from rampage vs Evans not to believe the hype. Just enjoy the fights, I can't even watch the build up to fight anymore. This guy hates this guy bs is for fn newbie fox crowd lol Phone Post 3.0

notsobigmike -
Pitbull3744 - 

I dont believe a word that comes out of that promoters mouth.  He is worse than Don King straight up.  The person who SHOULD get title fights never ever does, and that is THE ONLY thing i respect about Bellator, you win the tourney you get the shot regardless if you are a huge draw or not.  Believe it or not people respect that and will slowly get sick of the boxing i mean UFC's bullshit.  I get the fact "he puts on the fights fans want to see" lol and i like that but i would also like to see fighters like TJ Grant get their fucking title shots i dont need to keep seeing Chael, or Rashad, or the same people getting title shots just because of shit talking or their name value.  

But the thing is - it is literally the promoter's JOB to put on the fights that people want to see.

I've never understood how that's viewed as "selling out." They WANT to make the matchups that fans and clamoring for the most.

There may be a minority of fans who think a certain fighter might "deserve" it more, but until the bulk of the fanbase wants to see that fight, why would the promoter make that matchup over another one that more people are interested in?

Not in sports.

It doesn't work this way in legit sporting events.

The NFL would have loved a Colts-Giants Manning Brothers Super Bowl.

Did they get it? Nope.

Can you imagine if the NFL had pulled the Ravens from the Super Bowl because of "injury" and decided the Patriots would play the 49ers?

You know, because that's a match up people wanted to see?

In legit sports where wins and losses matter you don't book things other than the champ versus the number one contender.

Once you do anything else you become more WWE than anything sporting.

It may as well be a discussion amongst WWE fans about who should break Undertaker's WrestleMania streak. Phone Post

dfw jr - This pitbull327 or whatever numbers he has Behind it is the pussy that I had it out with on here 1 day and I said at least I come talk on the UG under my real name and he said he is afraid for people to know his real identity. Lol like he's some fucking super spy. Fucking clown Phone Post
Ha hahahah as much as I hate some things Dana does you gotta I'm for 90% responses to direct questions! Phone Post 3.0

Pitbull3744 - 

I dont believe a word that comes out of that promoters mouth.  He is worse than Don King straight up.  The person who SHOULD get title fights never ever does, and that is THE ONLY thing i respect about Bellator, you win the tourney you get the shot regardless if you are a huge draw or not.  Believe it or not people respect that and will slowly get sick of the boxing i mean UFC's bullshit.  I get the fact "he puts on the fights fans want to see" lol and i like that but i would also like to see fighters like TJ Grant get their fucking title shots i dont need to keep seeing Chael, or Rashad, or the same people getting title shots just because of shit talking or their name value.  

You say that like TJ Grant isn't fighting Bendo in the main event at 164...

I feel bad for Machida, but I feel like, more often than not, when they say something is a #1 Contenders match, it usually is.

dfw jr - 

This pitbull327 or whatever numbers he has Behind it is the pussy that I had it out with on here 1 day and I said at least I come talk on the UG under my real name and he said he is afraid for people to know his real identity. Lol like he's some fucking super spy. Fucking clown Phone Post


But UFC is not a sport, it'a promotion, and promotions can have wildly different formats. Different formats suit different promotions.

You want to see pure objectivity regardless of popularity, there is Bellator for that. Feeling nostalgic about Pride rules, OneFC is as close as it gets. Big name, "trend of the day" shows on the highest level of the sport, you got UFC.

Also regarding the NFL example. Sure they couldn't just do a 180 now and just start making popular match ups. That would never fly. But if NFL was like that from the very beginning, no one would complain about it now. At least no more than people complain about the UFC. Phone Post 3.0