This is the full press conference, but if you start at 41:00... You get all Dana's comments to the press, after the presser ended.. The inside scoop!!
var so = new SWFObject("", "postVideo-39072635-Flash", "425", "355", "9.0.28", "##000"); so.addParam("allowScriptAccess", "samedomain"); so.addParam("allowNetworking", "internal"); so.addParam("wmode", "transparent"); so.write("postVideo-39072635"); For smart phone users..
Thanks dude!!
UGCTT_RickStorm - Thanks dude!!It's good stuff, and was interesting to hear. As you mentioned on the other thread, I got a couple of questions in for the champ at 18:30...And Cyrus also threw a few in there right before me.
Nothing like hearing from DFW first hand. Loved it.
Everytime somebody brings up Michael McDonald, Dana starts talking about Rory.
Hahahaha about Vadummy!
It's nice to see some of the questions answered tosay
I just hope he doesn't talk shit on Rizzo. Pedro vs Couture 1 was fucking epic.
Na he was complimentary of Rizzo in the interview. Doesn't hate Fedor either, M1 is stupid for holding him back.
Floppy Divac - I just hope he doesn't talk shit on Rizzo. Pedro vs Couture 1 was fucking epic.I trained with Marco Ruas some during that time period. A lot of people felt like Pedro won that fight and just knew he would smash randy in the rematch. It didn't happen and I think it was that controversial decision let the air out of Pedro's sails as a serious title contender.
That being said, I'm still a Rizzo fan and he actually looked very impressive a few years back in Dallas against Jeff .
"and I think it was that controversial decision let the air out of Pedro's sails as a serious title contender.
That being said, I'm still a Rizzo fan and he actually looked very impressive a few years back in Dallas against Jeff ."
Yup, this, and that.