Dana tells UFConFox fighters to tone down training


I wonder if they can implement a no contact rule in their contracts where they can flat out tell them when they are done sparring, etc?

Aren't guys training even harder in these last few days to shave as much weight off their cut as possible? Dana hates guys missing weight but tells them basically not to train as hard. 

GayGuardMooseSaucy -

Aren't guys training even harder in these last few days to shave as much weight off their cut as possible? Dana hates guys missing weight but tells them basically not to train as hard. 

Hit the treadmills, brah. Phone Post

In my experience, injuries aren't in most cases a result of "training too hard", just a result of training, period. I have torn both of my ACLs, and neither of them was from doing anything "too hard", just bad luck while competing at a normal level. Injuries happen, they are part of all sports. Fighters should fight to win, not to avoid losing, and they should train to be prepared to fight at a high level, not to avoid injuries. Injuries and losses happen, but if you focus on avoiding them at all costs them you will never progress.

I understand Dana is frustrated by the injuries which have diminished cards in the recent past, but I can't imagine any fighter taking his advice in this circumstance. If you aren't training hard, your opponent is, and he will beat you.

It really is sad that so many fighters don't train smart. Learn about tapering, and minimizing distractions. That surround themselves with bad influences, etc.

I wouldn't say dana is completely justified in telling the fighters what to do, but he is saying what we are all thinking. And I won't disparage him for speaking his mind

in_different - It really is sad that so many fighters don't train smart. Learn about tapering, and minimizing distractions. That surround themselves with bad influences, etc.

I wouldn't say dana is completely justified in telling the fighters what to do, but he is saying what we are all thinking. And I won't disparage him for speaking his mind

I have to agree here.