Dana White is cool and all but....

why why why did white, or Lorenzo , or Zuffa or who ever it is who actually makes the decisions have to "conduct their business" with Trilogy of all cards.

I know the UFC guys are smart business men and I don't take that away from them at all, but this was potentially one of the best cards ever assembled. The undercard looked better than a lot of UFC main cards. Plus it was a chance for fighters like Yvel, Mousasi, Gomi to show something to the american fans.

As a true fan of MMA and not a WWF fag (no offence) I wish the UFC "higher ups" would have waited for a card of less caliber to ruin and not this one.

just my opinion. bitch all you want.

your blaming Zuffa... lmao, retard

it's interesting to see just how badly people understand what happened.

story97 - it's interesting to see just how badly people understand what happened.
