Cue Jon jones references
In for Jake’s response
Isnt Dana the guy that gained like 50 lbs of muscle and had his head double size in his 50s?
Dana isn’t competing in any professional boxing matches.
Dana is responding to the coke charged. Also add, he isn’t competing with other people, so rounds isn’t impacting anything.
Oh shit, I’m defending Dana. I’ll stop interneting for the week
Only cause Tito fears Dana!
Dana is 100% right
If I was Dana I would do the challenge even if I was a coke head.
Oh no, a fight promoter is taking steroids- cue the crying … who cares if a guy in his 50s wants to pack on muscle and feel better? He isn’t competing in a ring
Jake would beat the coke out of Dana in a fight
Dana would have his henchmen make that boy disappear
I would have thought Dana a boozer more than anything.
I’m sure he’s done some things though.
Coke is out of your system in days and Dana has no hair for a follicle test.
Coke is out of your system very quickly
You can take hair from your leg etc.
I dont care for your tone with me. Correct it or you’ll wind up giving a handy with your wrists tied behind your back l.
Do you think that Dana challenged him to a fight?
He doesn’t think- just makes retarted posts