Dana white owns Wanderlai (vid)

Dana is completely unprofessional, he disrespects fighters in public, he exhibits favoritism in his marketing of fighters and it all adds up to being a huge roadblock in the path to sports legitimacy for the UFC. Dana's "passion" for the business got the UFC where it is now, but the company will soon reach a point where his usefullness will be outlived, he'll have to completely change how he operates or Lorenzo and Frank will just have to tolerate limited growth due to his approach.

They need real, serious p.r. handlers who understand the sport and the market to coach him on how to conduct himself.

Example A: Dana says in an interview this week that Rampage knocking out Liddell is like Douglas knocking out Tyson. Now, not only is this an incredible load of bullshit, but it's disrespectful to the new champ they should promoting. Further, it sets up even more of the mainstream media criticism we've seen in the past two weeks when Wanderlei mauls Chuck.

Example B: Dana publically calls GSP "mentally weak". There's really nothing that needs to be said about this other than that he occassionally needs to STFU and think about the words that are about to come out of his mouth. It's really not that difficult.

Dana actually said GSP was "mentally weak"??



Dana actually said that Rampage beating Chuck was like Douglas beating Tyson?

"Dana is about as classy as the fans that were at UFC 68 in white-trashville...."

You're an ass.


"Dana actually said that Rampage beating Chuck was like Douglas beating Tyson"

sounds to me like Dana knows that the average TUF fan has the intellect of a 5 year old with down's syndrome and thus tailors his comments to them. It's called knowing your audience.

I got my pic with dana that night! check my profile!, Iam on his right!