Dana White with Shara Bullet (pic)



Dude looks like if Tommy Morrison came back from the dead and converted to Islam.

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Exciting fighter. Can’t wait to see him again

Hopefully he improves his TD/grappling defense

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Cracking Up Lol GIF by HULU

nice record, isnt this the dude who assaulted someone on the street on video?

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After he got handled by a civilian

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probably not many gingers in dagistan…

Veggie was right this guy is the real deal. Crazy how he beat Bruno up from the bottom.

Also Bruno Silva is no joke he had a very close fight AP.

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He’ll need to work on his grappling and TDD for sure but he’s a great striker even with one eye and he’s a menace

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Weird he’s not on Team Khabib he could become champ material there but I think they probably think he’s a head case.

could be also his disregard for wrestling, as all Team Khabib is super wrestling heavy

if you look historically other striker Dagis like Salikhov or other Russian Muslims like Tumenov or Taisumov never joined Team Khabib