Dana's comment to Hughes

What did Dana say to Matt right after the fight.It sounded like he said "You are the greatest champion of all time"?

i know he said "fuck" somewhere in there


seriously he did, go listen to it again

dana said "you are the greatest champion ever" repeated about 20 times, thats all I could make out

He said

"youre the greatest champion ever, ever. Ive never seen anything like you before in my entire fucking life, im serious."

well deserved praise for a guy that is all fight.

Dana is a salesmen he got Hughes all giddy with those comments. Whats funny is he was saying shit like there is nobody like you, you are the best cha,mpion ever, and rich Franklin was standing right there lol

i'm sure it was "you're the greatest fighter of all times" he likes to throw an s at the end of time

He was slobbin his nob. Never seen Dana kiss that much ass.

He said

"youre the greatest champion ever, ever. Ive never seen anything like you before in my entire fucking life, im serious."



He did say that. Hughes Nutthugging , imo.

You are the greatest champion of all times, all times, times times times.

Important men like Mr. WHite exist in multiple timelines at once.

He said "Yous Completes Mes"

Fuckin greatest fuckin champion in fuckin UF fuckin C

"You are the greatests of all times's, Matt Hugheses. Meet you in the locker room later wink wink."

I heard that too...