Dana's Vlog's

Anyone else prefer them to Embedded? Just been watching some on YouTube, the one for UFC 105 is great. Can anyone suggest some good ones to watch? Phone Post 3.0

I love both of them. You get a inside look at how stuff works in the UFC it's pretty awesome. Phone Post 3.0

Link? Phone Post 3.0

Dead President - Link? Phone Post 3.0
I've just been on to get the link and it's not there. I only watched it last week. Why would they take it off? They get a cab and they get lost and the taxi driver gets angry. I'll keep looking Phone Post 3.0

I remember Dana used to do the vlogs and years later there was some lawsuit accusing Dana White the promoter fixing fights and/or betting on UFC fights which as a promoter is a HUGE no no.


Dana White denied ever betting on fights, and then someone found an old UFC Dana White Vlog where ON CAMERA Dana White makes a bet(I can't remember who) that one of his ufc fighters would beat another one of his ufc fighters.


That vlog and most other ones were removed from the internets subsequently lol

Ttt Phone Post 3.0

D241 -

I remember Dana used to do the vlogs and years later there was some lawsuit accusing Dana White the promoter fixing fights and/or betting on UFC fights which as a promoter is a HUGE no no.


Dana White denied ever betting on fights, and then someone found an old UFC Dana White Vlog where ON CAMERA Dana White makes a bet(I can't remember who) that one of his ufc fighters would beat another one of his ufc fighters.


That vlog and most other ones were removed from the internets subsequently lol

VU. Didn't know that. Learn something new everyday, that's why I love this place Phone Post 3.0

I_prefer_flan - 
D241 -

I remember Dana used to do the vlogs and years later there was some lawsuit accusing Dana White the promoter fixing fights and/or betting on UFC fights which as a promoter is a HUGE no no.


Dana White denied ever betting on fights, and then someone found an old UFC Dana White Vlog where ON CAMERA Dana White makes a bet(I can't remember who) that one of his ufc fighters would beat another one of his ufc fighters.


That vlog and most other ones were removed from the internets subsequently lol

VU. Didn't know that. Learn something new everyday, that's why I love this place Phone Post 3.0

Yeah this place is Great for insight on mma stuff, and the insight I just shared with you I am 90% sure the person who found the video posted it on this very forum which is how I found out.


This website has had members give me insight on Mark Coleman being so prepared he would beat Stephan Bonnar(he would).


This website had known about Cain Velasquez' knee injury prior to his first fight with JDS.


There are a few more examples where someone gives insight about a bad training camp or injury, and it ends up coming out to be true after the fight happens.  

D241 -
I_prefer_flan - 
D241 -

I remember Dana used to do the vlogs and years later there was some lawsuit accusing Dana White the promoter fixing fights and/or betting on UFC fights which as a promoter is a HUGE no no.


Dana White denied ever betting on fights, and then someone found an old UFC Dana White Vlog where ON CAMERA Dana White makes a bet(I can't remember who) that one of his ufc fighters would beat another one of his ufc fighters.


That vlog and most other ones were removed from the internets subsequently lol

VU. Didn't know that. Learn something new everyday, that's why I love this place Phone Post 3.0

Yeah this place is Great for insight on mma stuff, and the insight I just shared with you I am 90% sure the person who found the video posted it on this very forum which is how I found out.


This website has had members give me insight on Mark Coleman being so prepared he would beat Stephan Bonnar(he would).


This website had known about Cain Velasquez' knee injury prior to his first fight with JDS.


There are a few more examples where someone gives insight about a bad training camp or injury, and it ends up coming out to be true after the fight happens.  

I don't think it was the vlogs but didn't conor make one with him aswell?

I also loved them, he leads a hectic but fun life. I'd love to spend a day in his shoes Phone Post 3.0

D241 -

I remember Dana used to do the vlogs and years later there was some lawsuit accusing Dana White the promoter fixing fights and/or betting on UFC fights which as a promoter is a HUGE no no.


Dana White denied ever betting on fights, and then someone found an old UFC Dana White Vlog where ON CAMERA Dana White makes a bet(I can't remember who) that one of his ufc fighters would beat another one of his ufc fighters.


That vlog and most other ones were removed from the internets subsequently lol

They've been purged systematically. Everytime he puts his foot in his mouth.


Took them down after the Loretta Hunt Cunt rant too.


Now with the fighters in the lawsuit using quotes from him to try and make their case stronger, is pretty much guaranteed we won't ever get that kind of candour on camerca from him ever again.

I_prefer_flan - 
Dead President - Link? Phone Post 3.0
I've just been on to get the link and it's not there. I only watched it last week. Why would they take it off? They get a cab and they get lost and the taxi driver gets angry. I'll keep looking Phone Post 3.0
