Danny Bonaduce wants 2 fight Rogan

lol... this morning on the adam carolla show, possibly the gheyest call out ever

bonaduce mentions how ripped and muscular rogan is and how hes a tae kwon do champ and danny wants to "get something going" with him

my advice joe: full body condom if this freak wants to roll with you

So "get something going" sounds like a challenge to you? To me it sounds more like a business proposition.

I would like to see it!!!!!!!!


Make it a handicapped match. BonaDOUCHE and Mencia vs. Rogaine.

ttt for Rogan "Nelmarking" Bonaduce in the cage

if anyone listens to the carolla show all danny talks about his beating people down, working out, maiming anyone that crosses him and how much drugs hes done

hes also proven himself to be completely full of shit and bigtime ROMO

danny spoke highly of rogan and how hed kill mencia on a previous show. i think he just wants to train with joe.

"get something going" ??? Is that a drunken challange or romosexual proposition?

thread title should be "Danny Bonaduce wants 2 Resurrect Lame Career"

Not even fair.
Rogan by near death.

rogan by arm bomb IMO. lol

Makes no sense for Rogan. Last time Danny fought on tv he looked like a bitch. He's desperate for attention with no hope of winning. If they did fight look for Danny to demand a rematch after he loses by quick submission.

LOL @ jacktripper.

max power might be on to something here. 

Adam Carolla would destroy Danny Bonuduce, from what I have heard about Adam's boxing skills.

Danny says lots of dumb things on the Adam Corolla show, you can't really take him seriously

Get em Joe!

I Got Joe

"LOL you sure he didnt mean "train with"? "

cause danny talks a LOT of crap about kicking ass and maiming anyone that crosses him

I would love to see Rogan put a kneebah on him

Didn't he also want to fight Mancow?

I hate Bonaduce! I would pay to see anyone beat him down. He's ruined the Adam Carolla show.

Joe do the world a favor and beat this guy down.