Darren Elkins vs. Steven Siler

UFC 154 on Saturday - what say you?

Elkins - 28 - 5'10" - 71.0" - Duneland Vale Tudo - 3 wins 
Siler - 25 - 5'11" - 70.0" - The Pit Elevated FT - 3 wins 

This is a bit of a sleeper fight that I'm pretty interested in, and it's tough to call.

No one has really been able to stop Elkins' TDs yet and I think his sub-grappling and top game is really under-rated. Siler is a huge bastard for 145 and tough as shit, but I don't think that'll be enough to keep him on the feet and use his hands.

Elkins by decision or sub. Phone Post

UGCTT_Fraser_Finlay - 

Elkins by decision or sub. Phone Post

Definitely looking like that's the safe bet but Siler surprises me in every fight.

Elkins is going to win this one.

He's a great guy and deserves the success.

I've picked against Siler in the past and he's won each time. So I'm going with him this time.

Fabes -

I've picked against Siler in the past and he's won each time. So I'm going with him this time.


Siler has surprised me every time he fights. Except the Brandao fight on TUF lol. Phone Post


Still can't believe siler beat cole miller Phone Post

And micah miller Phone Post

war siler