Datsik starting a fight against brothels

sorry for google translation


Mixed martial arts fighter Vyacheslav Datsik, nicknamed Red Tarzan has declared war on the St. Petersburg brothels. He decided to conduct raids on working sex dens and call the police. That night, with the help of the three were detained suspected pimp and four girls who "worked" in the house ?26 on Vereiskaya street.
- These brothels are not hidden, in fact, work in them prostitutes African nationality that infect our citizens sexually transmitted diseases, including AIDS, - explained his position Datsik.
Red Tarzan made a "test purchase" came to the brothel under the guise of erotic services client. However, the guard did not let the institution leading human rights activities fighter.
- The guard instructed me to "trunk", threatened me and demanded to leave, threatening to shoot me. Then I asked the 38 police department and his staff arrived promptly - said Red Tarzan.
Recall immediately after the release from prison after serving a sentence for robbery athlete announced his intention to engage in human rights activities.

Yup. He's crazy.

And not long for the free world, I'd imagine. Phone Post 3.0

Malvert the Janitor - Yup. He's crazy.

And not long for the free world, I'd imagine. Phone Post 3.0

To each their own I guess. I personally thought that Datsik was actually doing a good thing. 

ne geroy Rossii zasluzhivayet , no tot yemu nuzhno

Red Tarzan. Phone Post 3.0

touch -
Malvert the Janitor - Yup. He's crazy.

And not long for the free world, I'd imagine. Phone Post 3.0

To each their own I guess. I personally thought that Datsik was actually doing a good thing. 

Not really a good thing. Phone Post 3.0

LawlerPushedInMyBrownEye - 
touch -
Malvert the Janitor - Yup. He's crazy.

And not long for the free world, I'd imagine. Phone Post 3.0

To each their own I guess. I personally thought that Datsik was actually doing a good thing. 

Not really a good thing. Phone Post 3.0

You two are probably pimps lol

Niet bad.