David Pa'aluhi - Sleeping Lion!

If David can overcome the injuries and string together a few wins in the coming mths, I seriously think he would be a great addition to UFC's 205 lb division.

If you didn't know, David one-punch-KO'd Bobby Southworth in 16 seconds at Warriors Quest 4 three years ago and hasn't fought since due to injuries (once, at *ROTR, it was due to Joe Riggs sustaining an injury just hours before the event was to start).

This guy has serious punching power, and could make some waves at either 205, or if he could get down to 185 then I am sure he'd be even more of a monster there than he would up at 205.

Here is an article (by the Onsukas) about David's win over Southworth:

David "Kawika" Paaluhi gave the home crowd a treat with his welcome return to the fight ring. Paaluhi's opponent was Pride veteran Bobby Southworth in what promised to be an evenly matched bout.

Could the compact powerhouse Pa'aluhi get through Southworth's reach? In sixteen second, Pa`aluhi answered all questions with a tremendous right to the head of Southworth, knocking him out ON-HIS-FEET.

Southworth slumped in slow motion to the mat and had to be awaken with smelling salts, while Pa'aluhi executed a 'perfect 10' gymnastic style celebration back flip.

Good sportsmanship was ever-present, as Pa'aluhi made sure Southworth was alright. Hopefully, Pa`aluhi will be a frequent addition to the Warriors Quest Card."

oh I thought Kawika was lighter than 205. Maybe I am thinking of his cousin.

Is Fulton still the only guy to beat him?

I always thought that he could be a player (he was using a wide range of stand-up and ground way back in '96/'97 in the early Superbrawls

No one said he retired.. Maybe well see him in P.I.P who nows!!!

you tease

kawaika is a very good wrestler w/ good bjj and he can strike. i always told people when his name came up that if he could get to 185 he could make some serious waves. TTT for kawika

Who me not me..


Any chance to bring Joao Pierini back?

Thanks Doug

TTT for Kawika vs. anyone at 185, or 205.