Dean Lister need our help

Dean was hit by a car and is expecting big medical bills. I don’t know the details yet. Gofundme has been set up.



He’s being very hush on details. No mention of a hit and run incident anywhere either. Something weird about the social media posts and stuff.

Only in America.


Jocko is his best friend. Jocko is a millionaire. He has many millionaire friends.


Something’s up. Plus there has been a lot of innuendo about “a caertain grappler turned mma” guy who had serious issues here and there with substances that are likely referring to Dean, maybe he’s burned some bridges.

Lol at donating to a gofundme for medical bills in a country that votes for everyone to pay for their own healthcare

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“do you want to vote to pay your own health care”- YES

I appreciate having people from around the globe to interact with, but this stereotype could not be further from the truth.

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On Thursday April 1st in San Diego California, a car randomly hit Dean while he was walking home. Presently Dean is scheduled to get a surgery for his spleen which was ruptured/torn by the car that hit him. Because of the nature of car accidents we are not sure the total extent of his injuries yet, but he is in seemingly stable condition for now. He is also doing updates on his instagram when he can.

Many of us in the BJJ/MMA community love Dean and anyone fortunate enough to meet him knows that he has the heart of a lion; so we want to help him however we can, as he has given so much to everyone!

I don’t see anything suspicious about what is written on his gofundme.

That’s the only evidence of it happening. No stories or details anywhere else.

The dude has had more opportunity to make money than almost everybody in here. No thanks.

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So there’s been zero follow up to this other than the go fund me and zero news about a hit and run situation or anything about what might have happened.

A bit odd tbh. Seems like a guy like him would have a lot of people rallying around him and people would be demanding justice and shit. Just weird, man.