Dec 31st Pride Card=Best Eva?

No works that stupid talk.

Pride doesn't have any works, never, ever. Never.


"These two fighters are very close in weight and this would make for an awesome fight."


OK, douchebag. Sak vs anybody is a fucking waste nowadays.

If this card is true, I don't think the match-ups are too great. Namewise they look cool, sure, its all top tier, but the skill sets dont mesh well together. If it is Fedor-Yoshida,... they must really hate Yoshida. Its like when they finally sacrificed Sak to Silva.

"Fedor vs. Yoshida rocks!"

Why is that?

Well he is a legit fighter when fighting Don Frye or Tank sure, but he stands zero chance against Fedor. I don't mind the match though since I know he's very popular in Japan. Fedor needs and easy fight now anyway.

Great card! Fedor/Yoshida looks interesting in that Fedor has good Judo and has been able to throw opponents around for the most part but it'll be a different story against Yoshida. Nah, they'll probably just slug it out.

Fedor vs. anybody rocks. I'd pay to watch him beat the shit out of an old handicapped blind man.

nice card, I can't stop massssturbating over it.

"Isn't Yoshida a Judo Gold medalist in Olympic?"

Sure. Isn't Ogawa a silver medalist with 5 inches and 35 pounds on Yoshida? What happened when he fought Fedor?

What does beating Tank and Frye have to do with having a chance in hell against Fedor? What does being able to hold onto Silva for 15 minutes have to do with surviving against Fedor?

It'll be an entertaining fight for the little time it lasts, and it will be good for ratings, but let's not kid ourselves.

MMAweekly is usually pretty dead on with there rumors.

they have

Takanori Gomi vs Hayato Sakurai

Dan Henderson vs Murillo Bustamante

Ricardo Arona vs Wanderlei Silva

Mirko Cro Cop vs Mark Hunt

Fedor Emelianenko vs Hidehiko Yoshida

Kazushi Sakuraba vs Kyoshi Tamura (won't happen)

Minotauro vs TBA

Alaksander Emelianenko vs TBA

Shogun Rua vs TBA

Mark Coleman vs James Thompson

Saku-Anderson Silva is a good matchup

Tamura won't fight Saku. Same old shit he has been saying for years "Oh I can't fight cause I have a pro wrestling match that day."

Tamura will never fight Saku.






these make my mouth water more than a $30 steak

Shogun definitely needs to be on the card.

This card is BS!

I believe that Ogawa actually beat Yoshida once or twice in Judo competition in his better days...

I also remmeber reading Sakuraba saying that if he fought Tamura he would like it to be a bare knuckle match! He really does have a hate for Tamura, wasn't Tamura also one of his trainers for UWF-I, I think Sakuraba also stated he did not like Tamura as a trainer and that he was too tough on the students etc.

Tamura has expressed a certain unwillingness to fight Japanese fighters, but as proven by his fights against Yoshida and Minowa he can be quite brutal when fighting his own countrymen. Although he did look at the ref to stop the fight when he was pounding Minowa, he was throwing punches and kicks full force at both Minowa and Yoshida. He actually fought with more fury in the Yoshida fight than he does in most of his fights.

"I don't think one person has even discussed Gomi/Mach, a fight most of us would may 40 bucks to see, once throughout this thread...."

I think it's because a given that the Bushido tourney finals are beyond reproach.

Don't hold your breath about Tamura. Sak wants that fight but Tamura doesn't

Who is Kakihara?

Don't forget the mainevent.......... HUGHS VS RASHAD........