Diana Belbita vs. Gloria de Paula

Up next… I got Belbita

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There are two Warrior Princesses? Who’s the original, her or Cheyanne Vlismas?

Same weight class? They should fight for the name.

We got a couple of Lookers here I like it!

If I had to pick one to fuck right now I’d go with Belbita… I like how she lets her ponytail fly around like Tong po

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You really should be on the commentary team.


id pick the brasilian, shes thicker and finer.

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She has a Wandy-esque stance, high shoulders, neck bowed, chin down…

This fight sucks.

Ive been sending my resume to ESPN, maybe I should include some head shots and just send it into Disney.

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They need more Din on the mic imo as well.

Belbita is making no effort to punch or kick with any authority. Barely touches her with the kicks.

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Those two doing an adult film scene together would be something special. “UFC: Ultimate F*cking Championship: Lets Get it On!”

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This just in… women Point fight!

Actually in all fairness even when they hit each other with their best shots they still don’t phase each other sometimes. No matter how small you make the gloves it still looks like Foxy boxing…
Every time I watch a female MMA fight all I can think about is how there are really only a handful of w MMA fighters out there that can cleanly knock there opponent out with one shot.

In the last couple of clinching exchanges I just couldn’t help but notice how tiny and sexy the Brazilians waistline was.

Get the camera angle and give us the oil check damn it

Look at the lipstick on the pig by Dom " they’re just eating each other shots and moving forward oh, you don’t see a lot of women willing to eat shots like this and just move forward."
In other words these two can hit each other in the face with their best shots all day and not phase one another LOL somebody’s right I should be on the commentating team…

  • I love the Venom fight gear a lot better than the Reebok however they could also make the lady shorts a bit shorter in my opinion