Diaz and Smith

are the underdogs, and my picks to win. Agree/Disagree?

Frank Shamrock (-165) vs. Nick Diaz (+145)

Benji Radach (-165) vs. Scott Smith (+145)

Both solid underdogs, I don't have a ton of conviction in either but I would take those bets.

I wouldn't bet on any of them, honestly. I think the favorites will win, but the dogs are live.

diaz is NOT a good bet...smith is

stikeforce isn't listed on Pinnacle!!!!

Hopefully there are on Bookmaker.  Have not seen the strikeforce odds up there yet.

 Diaz is a plenty good bet.

Real fighters > Loud-mouthed has-beens with no notable recent wins.

 My chips are on Shamrock, but Diaz is definitely a good bet.

 i'll side with josh tompson and pick frank

I think Smith will win. My head says Diaz will win but somehow I keep feeling like Frank will play spoiler.


I bet both but got Diaz at +180 a few minutes before the fight.

 ttt.....good call lacksta....hopefully you made yourself and others some money.


nice call!!

thanks guys. scotts my boy i never bet against him, and i just had a feeling nick was gonna pull off the win.

Nice picks. I think UFC 100 will be underdog city as well.
