Diaz Bros"Don't F*ckng Beat Me up In Parking Lot"

Didn't KJ Noons' dad start fighting with Diaz's first?

yes ^^

but oh look mayhams bf is stickin up for him. white knight baby

Lol Ellis is the man.

Lol that dude is funny, good interview.


4 later

 Ever hear people say, I'm an mixed martial artist, not a fighter, or

I'm a fighter not a mixed martial artist, or

I'm a fighter not an athlete, or

I'm an athlete/mixed martial artist, etc.....

The Diaz brothers are fighters. They are fighters who are also mixed martial artist. The Diaz brothers can show respect, they can show self discipline. On the same token though, they are real, and they are 'Tru' to themselves.  They have their teammates back, they have always been the type to "not be a bitch", so why start now?

Scuffle is way overblown. Diaz brothers are actually good badguys to have in the sport. Bad in that they have many haters and passionate haters at that, but they also don't kiss ass and say things they don't mean for a paycheck or for the promotion they work for. I think the latter is what makes them good bad guys. They rarely start trouble, but so what if even the smallest incite is made to insult/disrespect a Diaz brother or team member and they don't back down b/c it's not in them to do it? I admire that actually.

for the lulz later

Come on D241, you really believe that?

Correct me if I'm wrong, but aren't they athletes, who compete in a professional combat sport called MMA?

A "fighter" is too open ended. Someone who picks fights in a schoolyard can be called a fighter. A college wrestler could be called a fighter. A vigilante could be called a fighter.

MMA, under the Strikeforce banner, is a SPORT. The people who participate are ATHLETES. I understand some of the athletes in MMA have a stronger "fighter" affiliation than others. But if the Diaz brothers want to fight PROFESSIONALLY, they have to leave their misguided, immature, street fighting personas behind.

If someone tries to punk my friend by talking smack, I'll walk away. When I was 16yrs old, I might have felt compelled to "display my manhood" and "get my boy's back" no matter what. But I graduated highschool, moved ahead in life, and grew the fuck up.

I have all the respect in the world for the Diaz brother's abilities, but their immature nonsense is getting old. It just doesn't fit into the sport of MMA. While I can enjoy the little cage riot, I recognize that it is HORRIBLE for the overall perception and acceptance of MMA.

If that nonsense happened in the UFC, heads would roll. But in all likelyhood, it wouldn't happen like that in the UFC, because everyone would know in advance that there would be pink slips flying.

crazydave - Who gives a shit what this guy thinks with his 1-0 record.

someone asked him, and he answered.... not to mention, it was hilarious.... and what's your record??? exactly....

"Fuck off white boy"

RED DRAGONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

D241 -   They have their teammates back, they have always been the type to "not be a bitch", so why start now?

Most people would say fighting a guy 10 on 1 is the ultimate bitch move.

As for the Ellis interview that's real talk and funny.

 Aren't Jason and Dan Henderson are friends. If so from the C. Gracie Team's standpoint, Miller might have in there looking for trouble.

Good interview and seems like a good dude, but he has no relevance at all not sure why people go to him for interviews. Go talk to real fighters for their opinions. Just my two cents.

Thanks for the translation BKViper, I honestly couldn't pick that one up.

not to be a dick but why are you guys asking this dude for an official stance and response on the situation? let's ask Danny Bonaduce and Tonya Harding too in light of their celebrity boxing matches.

he needs to get his facts straight anyway. EliteXC/Gary Shaw gave Noons a heads up about what they were gonna do, then pulled Nick into the cage as opposed to him finding his way in (full of about 20 of KJ's friends/family members) then KJ was egged on by Goldberg, AFTER his post-fight interview, in a "oh there's someone standing over here that you know" type thing. Nick also stood a good 10-12 feet away, he didn't walk up and stare at Noons face-to-face from 4 inches away mid-sentence.

and Noons' drunk ass dad was the one who started the whole brawl, and KJ's cornerman with the shaved head is the one who threw the first punch, and threw it at Nick. how come no blame was ever put on him? cause it's convenient to blame it on the Diaz Bros. plus I don't think anyone ever actually swung at Old DrunkMan Noons, Nate threw a 3/4 empty waterbottle or some shit mid-brawl. boo hoo.

the fact that Mayhem was asking for a rematch when he just fought Shields a few months ago and had only had one fight since then against Tim Stout (9-7), made it extra lame.

Tru - <p>I really don't see the difference between this and a pitcher hitting a batter and the dougouts clearing</p>

Except it's a game between the Red Sox and Yankees and the pitcher is from the Twins...

Ellis has a fairly popular satellite radio show. He has spent some time Training with Team Quest. He has had a professional MMA fight. I have heard him interview, in his own studio, Fedor, Rampage, Carwin, obviously Mayhem, Chuck, Joe Rogan, Faber, etc....

The dude shows mad love for MMA and all combat sports. His show isn't all about MMA, but it's cool to have someone with a unique perspective and isn't afraid too express it. He's a good interview. Simple as that.

squirrel516 - Come on D241, you really believe that?

Correct me if I'm wrong, but aren't they athletes, who compete in a professional combat sport called MMA?

A "fighter" is too open ended. Someone who picks fights in a schoolyard can be called a fighter. A college wrestler could be called a fighter. A vigilante could be called a fighter.

MMA, under the Strikeforce banner, is a SPORT. The people who participate are ATHLETES. I understand some of the athletes in MMA have a stronger "fighter" affiliation than others. But if the Diaz brothers want to fight PROFESSIONALLY, they have to leave their misguided, immature, street fighting personas behind.

If someone tries to punk my friend by talking smack, I'll walk away. When I was 16yrs old, I might have felt compelled to "display my manhood" and "get my boy's back" no matter what. But I graduated highschool, moved ahead in life, and grew the fuck up.

I have all the respect in the world for the Diaz brother's abilities, but their immature nonsense is getting old. It just doesn't fit into the sport of MMA. While I can enjoy the little cage riot, I recognize that it is HORRIBLE for the overall perception and acceptance of MMA.

If that nonsense happened in the UFC, heads would roll. But in all likelyhood, it wouldn't happen like that in the UFC, because everyone would know in advance that there would be pink slips flying.

 I understand your view, and I respect the way you responded.

That being said though, if the Diaz brothers want to fight professionally, they can act as they have in the past, b/c they are fighting for the #1 and #2 mma orgs right now, and one is a champion. If more people, and the high up important ones that make the decisions agreed with you, we wouldn't be debating now, b/c we wouldn't have anything to debate if they weren't fighting.

Bad example in using UFC as the holier than thou, this is how you conduct business....

Need I remind you that Nate Diaz is a UFC fighter? Your comparison gets thrown out the window when you leave out that important fact.

@daba-Good point, but in your honest opinion knowing about the reputation the Diaz brothers already have, you don't think it'd be considered bitch/punk if Nate was right there in the mix but had his hands folded beneath his armpits?

Yes, I see your point how it looked like a bitch move, but on the same token, the situation was messed up, and imo he would've looked more like a bitch had he been there and did nothing than what actually transpired.

It's funny the only ones I've heard about Nate Diaz kicking or anything about the brawl for that matter, has been from butthurt fans. I haven't heard 1 single person from Mayhems corner complain, I haven't heard anyone other than fans.

Guys, this is fighting, not ballet. You tuned in to watch fights, you got a BONUS fight at the end and people get all upset.