I got hit and run by a DUI suspects four months ago..I chased them three miles caught them and called the police. The person escaped again prior to police and they said unless they surrender now and admit driving impaired nothing they can do. Person hid out a few days and never heard anything of it again. I got their info before they escaped the scene and in the police computer it was a habitual DUI and drug offender so I can almost be 100 percent they were DUI when they hit me. Ironically it was a rental car too like jones.
No point for a drug test two days after accident. In Canada you could be drunk, get in accident and leave the scene and go home, if cops come to your house 30 mins later to arrest you and your drunk they can't charge you with drunk driving as you could say you were so stressed out from accident that you came home and drank a bunch of shots of vodka or whatever. Jones obviously probably ran as he was either drunk or high and was smart enough to run away as charges would have been way worse. I find it strange that he ran away only to come back for money but didn't take weed, he was must have been drunk or high to do that.
stringtheory - He went into hiding until the weed was out of his system so it doesn't matter unfortunately.
If you can get weed out of your system in a few days, you need to immediately join Nick Diaz's coaching staff. You're more important that his striking or grappling coach. He'd pay you 200k a year and thank you for taking it.
TexDeuce - Enough time for the coke and alcohol to get out of his system. Only reason he would have run.
Yup. He won't get a DUI out of this. However, the cops surely suspect he was - hence why he ran - and will get him for everything else they can possibly get him for. To the maximum.
At least, that's what they would do for the average joe. Remains to be seen if he gets special treatment or not.