I overheard some guys at my gym talking about it had been used for many years in Wrestling but under a different name.
That true?
he never invented it and has ALWAYS been on record saying that. He wrestled in high school and that is where he learned it, as in wrestling its called the guillotine. He pulled it off in front of Rigan one day rolling and adding the extra refinement for the submission variation we know as the twister and RIGAN is the one that named it that. Eddie told him its called the guillotine and Rigan said nope, we already have something named that so this is now the twister! Its how Eddie got the nickname as well.
in wrestling it's called a guillotine.
Eddie didn't invent it per se. He did however invent no gi training.
checkuroil - Eddie didn't invent it per se. He did however invent no gi training.
That's what I heard!
checkuroil - Eddie didn't invent it per se. He did however invent no gi training. <img src="/images/phone/post_tag.png" alt="Phone Post" border="0" style="vertical-align:middle;"/>
well if by "no gi" you mean, rashguards, gi pants, calf sleeves, and anklets, then yes, totally.
exactly the same clothes you wear for MMA.
omoplautistic -yea! surfers never had Rash Guards before Eddie Bravo showed them how to use them either!checkuroil - Eddie didn't invent it per se. He did however invent no gi training. <img src="/images/phone/post_tag.png" alt="Phone Post" border="0" style="vertical-align:middle;"/>
well if by "no gi" you mean, rashguards, gi pants, calf sleeves, and anklets, then yes, totally.
exactly the same clothes you wear for MMA.
lol, took the bait! ^^
yea! surfers never had Rash Guards before Eddie Bravo showed them how to use them either!
Randy Bloom - yea! surfers never had Rash Guards before Eddie Bravo showed them how to use them either!
pffft, what would THIS guy know about surfing! :p
It's an old wrestling technique called the guillotine.
Actually, he invented Twitter
He also invented surfing and baseball too
Steven Segal invented the kick.
Eddie Bravo invented Steven Seagal
He is also well knowen for the most popular design in male banana hamocks in years. Thanks Eddie.
Whats funny is its in Bruce Lee's Tao of Jeet Kune Do.