Did I just see...

 I am in no way defending Kalib, he ran and got beat and it was sad.  But I am just saying don't talk so much crap about him since he is a fighter


 I would defend kalib if it wasnt for the running with Nate was doing the three stooges thing. Nate pretty much gave him a free shot for like 10 seconds and he didnt even try to throw a weak punch or a lil kick or ANYTHING!!!!

I can UNDERSTAND being afraid to engage but when you have a opportunity to atleast get a free lick and choose to run get the fuck off my TV

thats what i missed? that shit up above is jokey

 EI - stop being a douche bag fighter worshipper.  They put their pants on one leg at  a time.  There are MILLIONS of people who train and never fight.  Don't they deserve your everlasting admiration?  What about men/woman who study to be doctors?  Look at everything that goes mentally and physically into that.  Are you worshipping them too?

Stop being a fanboy.  Kalib is a grown man and acted like a bitch.  After all of his so-called sacrifices he puts on that showing?  And you love him just for stepping in the cage?  He doesn't have the heart of a fighter. 



Starnes and McCarthy were disappointing...Starnes especially for backpedalling the whole damn fight. Chainsaw got beat trying to do the rope a dope, and it backfired on him.

Yes, the fans were great last night!