Did the press conference start?

UFC website isn't loading the press conference. I am wondering if its over, in the middle or hasn't started yet?




 not loading for me either

 thanks warrior


I got this link from another thread http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=oRMm7DK5-5Q . Looks like it hasn't started yet.

warriorx559 - yes


Thank you

What BS that it isnt loading elsewhere!

Thanks to Sergio on another thread

Karyn Bryant's youtube


Thanks! Did anything happen interesting yet?

Looks like the link I had was wrong. This one also works http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DbOdkEFvd-w&feature=player_embedded .

I'm on the UFC site and the press conference page says it will begin shortly.

UFC website is pathetic. Never have anything working on there.


It has been on for awhile now!