Great tips! Thanks again everyone!
Geekboy: Unfortunately they weigh you in when they call you for your match and you are weighed in with your gi.
RickStorm - Plus you burn around 80 calories1 lbs. fat = 3,500 calories, so he'd only be losing 3.2 lbs. :(
10 times a day for 2 weeks = 11200 calories
I cut nearly 10lbs right before the Arnolds 2 weeks ago. I agree with the low sodium intake. Eat a small amount of carbs early in your day then high protein for the rest. Eat a regular size breakfast and then 1/2 of what you would normally eat for lunch and dinner. 2-3 days out, buy a $10 sweatsuit from Meijer and start to sweat it out slowly. Don't do cardio with it on like your working out, just enough to keep your core temperature warm so that you sweat. I did the elliptical easy for 30min then sat in sauna for 20min and dropped 5lbs easy. Good luck.