diff. between Graci/Machado style?

my BJJ friend just said this to me an in email:
Despite what people say, there's a tangible difference
between the different flavours of BJJ. Gracie flavour isn't Machado, isn't Donahue.
does anyone else agree, and can you elucidate this claim?

though I come from Gracie "lineage", I can't see a distinct difference in either approach. It's really the teacher that matters, not all this other bullshit.

aare you talking about the different games people play in BJJ, like the open guard game, closed guard game, and so and so?

I think the answer is yes and no.

There is not much of a difference, if any at all in the Machado's style as compared to most of the Gracie's. But I think there is a sharp contrast from their style and the system taught at the Gracie Academy in Torrance. I think Rorion's school is the only one that has not changed the method of instruction and application of the techniques to make there students more successful in Sport BJJ. Most people who do BJJ judge the effectiveness of their instructor based on what his students do in competition. This is the reason many instructors are pressured into teaching a more sportive strategy and focusing on different things that might work well in a sport BJJ match, but would not be as appropriate in a real fight. This being said, I think the Gracie Academy in Torrance and the Gracie Academy in Miami seem to be the only two major BJJ academys that have not changed their method of teaching.

Forget the difference between the Gracies and the Machados, watch the difference between Rickson and Royce or Jean-Jaques and Rigan or Royler or Leo Viera and Shaolin or Comprido or Pe de Pano. The idea and theory is the same but the application and delivery depends on the person.

Jackel I didn't know that about the Gracie Miami academy - our good kali friend is out there visiting his sister he better be training BJJ there like I told him too!

I think they are VERY different. From Gracies to other families to individuals...every aspect comes into the equation. I train under Relson and he shows me things that people I fight never do or seem to know. He was a badass by the time a lot of "big names" were being born and just starting. I don't think it's all the same and I don't think it should all be called 'brazilian jiu jitsu'. I train Relson Gracie Jiu-Jitsu. I visited Helio's home this summer and I made my own judgement that there are more differences in moves/opinions/ everyting, even with Relson and his dad. You have to figure out what your goals are and then find who you want to train with...not everyone can train with the same person. Not every great fighter is a great teacher. Not every higher ranked person is in good standing with teir instructor. And people 'make up moves' every time you turn around. It's a bunch of politics and BS and if you care, you can sift through it and go on


Amen Christy! Finding a quality place to train that leaves out the politics and bs - just keeps it about bjj is worth it - and one that encourages you to have your own goals and helps you get there is priceless! It is just difficult to find since most people don't have a lot of choices and the higher your rank the more bs and politics there can be depending on the instructor. I've been in awe around some of the Brazilians that have brought this to the US (Relson included) and red belt, Mansor, had my jaw on the floor in humility and so did Luka! Something about their accomplishments and "time in" just humbles you when they are correcting your technique. They are passionate about the sport and you can feel the energy they have to pass it on and make you better. Finding an instructor and team that will support your goals and that you believe in is the key. Good luck to those that choose to sift.



Excellent point.

i always heard Rorions was more self defense based and not sport . With that i would mos def think one would see a difference in styles .

In Brazil it was never called Brazilian jiu jitsu or Gracie jiu jitsu, its was called jiu jitsu period. Rorion did this when he came to america to differentiate his families style from the other styles of Japanese Jujutsu and american hybrid systems. And this is what Helio is talking about. There is too much emphasis on tournaments. Who cares how many trophies you have won cause it does not matter if some sucker on the street kills you cause you can't defend yourself from a sucker punch, standing choke/bear hug or knife/club defenses. And dont think cause youve won tournaments you can successfully fight and defend yourself on the street. There two different animals.

graciesrule- has caught the MOS DEF FOR REAL CORRECT ! :)

I disagree. Even if there is "too much emphasis on tournaments", I think your average "sport" jiu jitsu player knows how to get out of a f'n headlock or bear hug. Anyone who has half a brain and trained jiu jitsu for any significant amount of time is going to know the difference between a "sport" application and a "street" application.

However, I do agree that just because you win in tournaments does not mean you'll survive a street fight. I think that is common sense.

i think any martial arts that u do - u SHOULD know how to make it self defence for street practicality no matter what it is IMO. THere should be a Sport to Street mentality conversion capability .