Diken Ciders Family Grows

Sorry to hear about the issues :o(


Congratulations on a healthy baby girl!

 reason we picked kapiolani is because daughter #2 was born there and they had great service. Another reason was becuase if their are complications they gotta send the baby to kapiolani anyway. But daughter #2 was born there 11 years ago. Anyway I had time to think and this is what I came up with. 11 years ago the micro invasion was in its infant stages. Hospitals had the time and resources to take care of its people. Fast forward to 2008 and you have an influx of micros here taking up the hospitals time and services that used to go to taking care of the residents who live here. That coupled with the fact that hospitals can not refuse service to pregnant mothers reguardless of if they have insurance or not equals less income for the amount of service that the hospital is providing. In turn leaving the hospital less time to care for its resident local patients. And let's face it, if you having a baby and wanna freeload why not freeload off of the best baby hospital in the state? That's my take on why kapiolani went down hill and why queens would be a better choice. And let's face it Queens is only a 4 min ambulance ride away, if anything does go wrong with your baby they can get it to kapiolani in no time.

My daughter was born @ Queen's and thumbs up to their maternity facility.

Believe it or not, I do not know where what hospital my son was born at (I didn't know I had

a son until after he was born).

My first was 11 years ago and was great at Kapiolani. Even 3 years ago was still good for #2, but yeah, whenever we go to Kapiolani nowadays to visit the pediatrician.....FUKIN MIKES!