Dillon Danis joking at Floyd visiting Russia


I don’t understand the photo shop and attack from Dillon? Is there beef?

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Signaling to McNugget to pick up the phone.

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Dillon is such a fucken retard that it makes total sense why he and Conor get along


Who cares what this zero thinks about anything. The guy is beyond irrelevant

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He’s a social media troll and actually has a lot of clout in that area for some reason. That’s why Gordon Ryan always attacks him because he’s low key jealous Dillon has so much more online appeal than him.

Gordon Ryan has the personality of a tree stump

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He sent some super creepy shit to Erberth about his little daughter. Went wayyyy past trolling. Somebody is going to stab him.

Spanish What GIF

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Dang. Is Gordon saying nice ass to the little girl?

Gordon Ryan is a cheat for abusing steroids


Erberth’s reply (as well as I can read/translate it) is basically “you like little girls? Here in Brazil whoever does that doesn’t last long”

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Yup. That’s what he said in Portuguese. Pretty messed up of Gordon. That’s not even a joke

Someone posted Gordon addressing it on Reddit, which basically amounted to that he was being provocative towards Erberth in response to Erberth making fun of his dead dad, threatening to kill him and rape his girlfriend.

This would be such an easy problem to solve in person. Why’s everyone on the internet so much?


I hate Gordon but you’re a bigger piece of shit


That’s how you go from picking yourself a fight to getting stabbed.