Disappointed to learn that Dan Severn was in over 15 fixed/rigged fights

Actual business associates that either went to prison for it or died before their trial

We have a special guest recording on Sunday

  • in theory

We will touch on some of the names in question


I look forward to that. Do you think you can spill the beans early and let us know who the guest is?


After it’s recorded




You can hire the Beast as a guest speaker now FYI

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You didn’t ask me lol but there have been some very shady cases in present UFC like the whole James Krause team betting scandal and then the hilariously named Bang vs Kuntz fight that was scheduled for a UFC a few years back.

This is an excerpt from wikipedia on that fight and according that the guy actually did jail time for fight fixing that one


LOL @ being surprised about worked MMA fights. MMA does it better than WWE. Its a wonder how it took this long for the UFC/WWE to be the same company.

There’s like 700 fighters in the UFC these days, and 690 of them are jobbers.

UFC is doing just fine at destroying the MMA fanbase without this “revelation” about Dan Severn working fights.



Of the 690 jobbers .

Who are the 10 pros that don’t sell/work


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That’s for the UFC to decide :wink:


I want to know who u think are he 10 ppl out of the 700+ roster that don’t accept bribes like the 690 ppl u stated

I definitely think there are many cases but obviously no where near as high as unstated, and I assume u purposely over exaggerated Ur prediction for effect (no hate from my side)

I think the numbers may be (speculated BB prediction, which means nothing) to be about 25-34 ppl who “may” be manipulating matches.

.now ask me about MMA judging and that percentage is super high

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Bang must have been shitting bricks when it was announced as a Split decision…
He was meant to throw…

MMA judges eh…

psh GIF

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The judges in the UFC are so bad they fuck up worked fights lol


I’m exaggerating. Sarcasm/satire are a powerful tool.

But if you think about it, how many fighters does anybody honestly care about anymore? How many fighters can the casual fan even name at this point?

What I’m saying is: the majority of UFC fighters only purpose on the roster is to fill out content obligations to ESPN or be feeder for the 10 people the UFC is “pushing,”

edit: for grammar


So he liked it.

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I don’t know about the Bart Vale one, he kicked the shit out of Bart

Fake fights? In mma? Blasphemy!

His 2nd and 3rd Mark hall fights for sure

underpants severn

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To say “how quickly” after taking a leg kick from Rizzo is bit weak of a statement. Fighters didn’t train like they do now and he never took a kick like that before. Kicks from Ruas took out Paul V but they weren’t 1/2 has hard as Rizzo’s.

Not defending his career just this instance