Disappointed to learn that Dan Severn was in over 15 fixed/rigged fights

Fixed fights… that is literally the least concerned that anyone should be in regards to Severn

A link was posted earlier to the podcast that we did about Dan

The information in it is shocking and something that we have known for years; we were actually excited to finally make it public knowledge

Cliff notes
Don’t trust your children with any of Dans associates


nah i wasn’t aware. is it his later stuff in pride?

Which podcast? I want to listen

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I mean he was a pro wrestler. That should’ve been your first clue


Well, his fight with Mark Hall at Ultimate Ultimate 96 is generally regarded to have been an outright fix. Both fighters had the same manager, they wanted Frye to be fresh for the final and Frye took out hall with an achilles hold in 30 seconds. It’s the only fight in Frye’s whole career he won by any kind of leg lock.

I heard somewhere that Hall was promised to get paid off for it but he never saw the money.

As for his fights in Pride and K-1, who’s to say? Frye was a pro wrestler, and in Japan, the line between pro wrestling and MMA is very very blurry.


ah you’re right. i forgot completely about that mark hall win. i guess i give it a pass in a way because he beats hall 10 times out of 10.


Yeah Frye was superior to Hall in every category and the outcome of that fight was never in doubt but this was actually Frye’s third fight with Hall in the span of just a few months. His first fight with him was pretty grueling, and the seconds wasn’t over quick either. Frye knew how tough Hall was and how Tank had an easy path to the final so he pulled a fast one.


Fighting a guy 3x in one year certainly opens up the possibility to something that looks, smells and feels like a work

Let us not forget how many times Sean Strickland called Mark a POS on his JRE episode


@crowbar used to attend the Cobra Fighting Federation events and from all accounts the term

  • Legendary Shit Show

Has been recited to describe those


According to Tony Galindo and confirmed by Vernon White

Ken Shamrock beat him up in a casino bathroom when attending a KOTC event


I came in here to say this, wasn’t he a pro wrestler first? Or at least at the same time anyway.

There were so many fixed fights early on because of how close pro wrestling and pro MMA were intermingled. Same promoters, same talent, other people in the industry worked in both.

It’s just part of the history. I don’t know that we need to look back at it so negatively.


And to isolate one person is ridiculous.


Do you know how many matches are fixed in the ADCC tournament???

I like to use the term “worse than Pride” when describing what has taken place there


I could see your point if all Severn’s works were in Japan where pro wrestling and MMA were two half’s of the same coin and audiences seemed to care less about if something was a shoot or a work. Here though, real fights were advertised, people paid to see real fights, and they expected real fights. There’s no way I can dismiss Severn’s (and other fighters I’m sure) phony bullshit as “just part of the history,” especially since it’s literally fraud.


Yeah fighting the same guy 3x in one year is pretty weird and highly unusual. Suspicious on its own

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My friends lie for me sometimes

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You don’t know shit about that dragon sleeper