Disappointed to learn that Dan Severn was in over 15 fixed/rigged fights

I met Dan in New Orleans at some fights one night, I was there with my coach John Dixon…
I said hey damn before the night’s over with can I get a picture with you and he says to me… “Yeah, since you’re a friend of John’s, how long we charge you $15”…
I laughed,walked away and never went back over to him…


Frye maybe didn’t use legs locks in actual fights, but he knew them, and tore a training partners knee up with one.

Interesting thread. Combat sports have always been the easiest to fix.

Dan absolutely pulled some worked mma fights in his career, but not as much as some people on here think.

The first, and probably worst, was his fight with Matsunaga at U-Japan. His works with Shannon Ritch were comical, also. I wouldn’t call his fight with Kimo a work, just the most boring fight in history. Travis Fulton said he had a gentleman’s agreement with Dan not to punch each other in their WEC fight, but denied it was a work.

I don’t say any of this to defend Dan; he shouldn’t have been working any of his post-Uwfi fights. However, it’s not accurate to say most of his fights were works.


The Tony Bonello fight was blatantly fixed, along with nearly all of Bonello’s pre-Ninja fights.

Jesus Fucking Christ, somebody else that gets it. Serious question, are you a trader/investor? Not gonna bother you, I do my own thing. Just curious if that’s a yes or a no. I think there are 3 people that understand the business side to the depth you just spelled out lol

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That’s your baseless opinion about others’ ALMOST baseless opinions. Gotta do better than that.

I’d read your post, but it’s gonna cost you $5. Let me know if you want my CashApp :man_shrugging:t2:

No. Just a marketing major and long time fan.

I made this account in 2016 when mma fandom was clearly in decline. By 2016 I knew literally zero people who were watching UFC (let alone the smaller shows) anymore, so I came here to talk to people that were still watching this shit sandwich we’re being fed.

I miss the time of packed house parties/bars with all my buddies huddled around the TV, going to local ammy/pro shows here in Denver,… the good ol days :face_holding_back_tears:


Spartan shows in Denver we’re always an excellent time

Denver is the countries have b for MMA training and their isn’t a second closest city to compare it to

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Used to train at Mike Ciesnolevicz’s gym down in Colorado Springs. That’s where I got to meet Pat Miletich. Pretty sure Mike’s gym still going strong down there, particularly in BJJ.

Might have to check out the Spartan shows. Used to love to go to the Ring of Fire shows.

Good times.

Not only where many of Dan’s fights fixed, some of the wins on his record where vs people who didn’t even exist.

Wins vs fictional people at a fictional events is a practice that still exists. A current UFC champion has a win over a non existent human at an event that never happened.

This fictional woman lost all of her fights in exactly 15 seconds to eventual UFC fighters.

Both of her fights were on “Old Jack’s Night Night” (also fake) cards with only 1 single fight.

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look a lot of dan’s stuff is fishy BUT…

BUT don’t trust every bit of info in a youtube video
as fact…

a lot of stuff can appear in many different ways if presented in a certain way

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What in the actual fuck!

Also, the old Travis Fulton and Iowa fight scene was weird back in the day. Fighting the same nobodies multiple times a week. Fighters with 30 or more losses and no wins.

The midwest fight scene was built on gyms that had guys who just showed and lost on purpose. Different world back then when you look a lot of the journeyman local “stars” and who they fought.


I don’t think they lost on purpose, I think they were outmatched/hardly trained and just liked to fight

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yeah the local tough guy bouncer type of guy etc

You could say that at 5 losses, when it’s at 15, 20, 30 etc with no wins, it’s obvious you’re being brought in to job to the local “name” they are building, just like pro wrestling

There are many ways to fix a fight. I knew a good wrestler that I coached against who tried his hand at MMA when he was still in college as an undergrad and after he found out what was going on, gave it up to go to PT school. Anyway, the promoter made a deal with his opponents to take something off their punches and tap quickly when he took them down to try to build him up. They never told him and he legit thought he was submitting guys. Guys ego was off the charts! Then they came to him with the same thing and told him he had to tap. He refused and they told him his opponents had thrown the fights and how. He was 7-0 amateur and never knew what was going on. Obviously they were good at faking it because he is a smart guy and now a physical therapist. Not going to post his name because there are guys on here who would most likely be able to identify him. Like pro wrestling except only one guy knew it was a work.

Pretty sure Vale was mentioned in the video.

I copied/pasted the worked fights from the video description. The details and insinuating is in the video but if fight footage exist, id be interested in judging with my own eyes.

The Vale fight was supposed to be a work. When the fight ended Bart approached Dan and said wow you are one stiff mfer. Dan punished Bart for some imagined slight . So not a work per se.