DISGUSTING Conor McGregor Allegation! Luke Thomas EXPOSES him!

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Literally just a bunch of random bullshit. No evidence and they want casuals to fall for it and give him a view on his shitty youtube channel.


tell that to the girl that he allegedly raped that was taken to hospital in an ambulance and had to have her tampon surgically removed from her cervix.
It’s confirms he’s the irish sports star that was accused, which confirms he was accused last Christmas too. The “irish sports star” from that time claimed to having consensual sex with the woman.

A well-known sports star arrested for the alleged rape of a young woman has claimed they had consensual sex.

The high-profile star, who has a long-term partner and children, was released but detectives are preparing a file for the DPP.

A source said it was a “very credible case”. Gardaí yesterday confirmed details of the arrest of the sports star.

“Gardaí in Dundrum investigating an alleged sexual assault reported on Monday, December 10, 2018 arrested a man on Thursday, January 17, 2019,” a statement said.

"The man was detained at Dundrum garda station.

"He has since been released without charge. A file will be prepared for the Director of Public Prosecutions.

“The investigation is ongoing,” they said.

The young woman has alleged she was raped in a south Dublin hotel in the early hours of Monday, December 10.

It’s understood that during the interview the suspect admitted he had sex with the woman, claiming it was consensual.

but the reports of the condition of that woman don’t go along with that story.

“When staff went back up to check on them at around 5am [the sports star] was wild-eyed and looked wired. They left in a fairly animated state.”

The woman was brought to Rotunda Hospital’s Sexual Assault Treatment Unit. She is reported to have suffered serious injuries.

Gardai in Pearse Street investigating the incident have examined the woman’s blood-stained clothing and have spoken to but not formally interviewed her.


Isn’t Luke Thomas Gay?


What’s in the Luke Thomas video?

Is it just this stuff? Because all of this has been out there for years.

Fuck Conman!


I’ll see what i can find


he just retweeted this article


Yes, he most definately is, and his viewers are too.


Don’t forget the other accuser who’s car was arsoned.

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this is new
very detailed thread on X

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Cliffs on this 45min vid?

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he talks about the woman’s husband being stabbed in front of her and goes into detail of the alleged rape.
Says Disney is covering up for it for financial reasons, ppv, espn subscriptions and $20 million dollar gate.
the x link has all the stuff on it if you want to skim thru that.

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I’ll take a look

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Luke Thomas

Stopped reading


Luke fucking sucks, but he’s apparently married to a woman and has a kid with her. According to his Wikipedia page.

Luke Thomas is literally Brian the dog from family guy in human form.


I used to listen to him years ago. He just became too preachy. Guy thinks he’s a genius. He can’t go a single show without mentioning his Columbian wife. He’s definitely one of those white libtards that is very pleased with himself for marrying a minority.


Conor will eventually learn that going out and partying with random chicks leads to nothing but trouble

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