DJ vs. T. Abbott

Unified rules, who takes it? Phone Post 3.0

DJ on points.

Tank doesn't know MMA.

Tank that showed up against Hugo Duarte might have a chance.

That said, I'm still taking DJ by 2nd round TKO when Tank gasses.

DJ is so damn fast that Tank wouldn't be able to land anything. Yeah Tank is a lot bigger, but DJ KOs him from an accumulation of punches in less than 2 rounds.

ABE FROMAN - DJ on points.

Tank doesn't know MMA.

dude either Tank fucked your girl or your seriously retarded! now little 130 lbs men beat Tank! GTFO! I suppose the new class of 115 women all beat Tank too?

My girl doesn't fuck fatties or fairies, so both you and he will have to continue fucking each other.

Also, pay attention to the other people on this thread telling you the same shit, homo.

Lol Tank wouldn't land one punch and eventually would fall down from exhaustion. Phone Post 3.0

PS: It's 2013, Tank will keep losing against guys like Warpath.

Genki Sudo vs Butterbean would be my reasonable guess at the spectacle's real life equivalent. Phone Post 3.0

ABE FROMAN - PS: It's 2013, Tank will keep losing against guys like Warpath.

so what! he's old and done now! and I've read the couple other star struck fans on here who just saw DJ knock out another 130 lbs guy and are all nut riding now. You guys are imagining Tank is gonna play pitter patter with DJ like the other little guys do and thinking of old Tank who doesnt do shit. Not only would I bet on Tank, I'd put an extra bet on this fight DJ goes to the hospital.

EXACTLY! He's old and done now. This is not about DJ's performance last night, it's about the fact that Tank is old and done.

If the currently active Jeff Monson can be outgrappled by a much smaller guy, how wouldn't the much faster Mighty Mouse not be able to take the much older and slower Tank to a decision?

shadysavagecameonmaiaface - Genki Sudo vs Butterbean would be my reasonable guess at the spectacle's real life equivalent. Phone Post 3.0

not even close. Butterbean has showed zero ability to hang with better fighters or get back to his feet when taken down. Tank had some wrestling and scrambling and was an explosive powerhouse.
you really think flat footed tank could even get his hands on MM just once? Lol you remind me of the guy saying Tank isnt gay on that one thread, defending as if your life depended on it.

You sir are the nut rider, we are the ones who understand an obese brawler couldnt touch the best flyweight in the world. Phone Post 3.0

KirikMyName! - Tank that showed up against Hugo Duarte might have a chance.

That said, I'm still taking DJ by 2nd round TKO when Tank gasses.

hav a chance? wtf is wrong with you guys?

Tank put guys like Frye & Oleg in the hospital. he put hurtin on guys like Maurice & Rizzo before losing. Duarte would eat DJ for lunch! DJ looks good fighting other 130 lbs men, but were talkin 265 lbs Tank here. who nearly threw 230 lbs guy out of the octagon. 260 Severn had to use his weight and holding the cage to hold Tank down. DJ is no 220 lbs Roided Belfort who put Tank down.

some of you guys must not have watched him in his hey day or are so star struck by the midgets beating each other you've become confused.

prime vs prime Tank would MURDER DJ and I'd bet on it!

I think my join date speaks for itself on the "must not have watched him in his hey dey" comment.

I don't think you realize how truly subpar Tank was as a fighter.

Yes, he had incredible strength. But he gassed 3 minutes in to most fights, some times less than that.

Fighters today are so much more skilled now than they were then.

I don't even like DJ, I'm indifferent on him and his entire weight class for that matter. But he would go into the fight knowing he only needs to last 3 minutes before Tank gasses. DJ has too good of footwork to be anywhere near one of Tank's slow motion overhands.

See anyone who thinks Tank abbot was a good fighter or could hang with any current male UFC fighter. Jesus. Fucking. Christ. He was and is a fat useless drunkard

I can't believe the morons getting so upset in a stupid thread. This thread is stupid, and should be deleted.

ttt Phone Post 3.0

I loved watching Tank Abbot in the early days. 

I still respect what he was able to accomplish in MMA.

One of the toughest dudes to ever get up off a bar-stool.

Prime Tank would never, ever get close enough to grab MM.

MM would dance, duck, and jab.

Tank would be plodding and swinging at air.

Tank would gas.  Badly.  In the first round.

MM would choke him out.

Is this what we've come to on here?

Mods? What if forum plz.