Do GSP Fanboys know more than Bas Ruten?

Really though. Yo check this out Bas Ruten who I and 90% of the MMA nation regard as 1 of the OGs of this sport. The guy is a VETERAN.

 Rat spit.

Bat21 -  Rat spit.

You must be a Fanboy huh.

Tell us. Do you know more than Bas Ruten?

Do you know how to spell Bas Rutten?


Gotta love appeals to authority. Yes, if Bas Rutten said it, about MMA, it must be so. He couldn't possibly be wrong.

Is it just me or is the audio completely fubared?

BJ has the best combo of BJJ, Boxing, and takedown defense in MMA. His conditioning, Muay Thai, and takedowns are lacking. Not sure if that makes him the best fighter

That and he just lost

Rutten is great...

But he's gotten things wrong before.

Like saying that an ankle lock is just a pain hold.


(uggghhh...........)  slow sprawl


 meh, I thought opinions vary.... i'm sure there are others in the sport that disagree?

and does it really matter?

he's the greatest fighter ever, he's won and lost, and had issues with quitting and motivation for fighting...

as long as he keeps getting in there and that goes for any fighter.

My take on BJ --and I don't think that I'm about to say anything that will be news to any serious MMA fan-- is that he's about as talented as they come, both in terms of his BJJ and his boxing-- but as Brian Rule pointed out, he has some weaknesses. It's evident to me that he's probably to small for the 170 lb. division and when he's not motivated for an opponent, he doesn't train hard. As a result, his cardio and performance suffer.

YourDumbFace - Do you know how to spell Bas Rutten?
Great question LOL

Kai Tremeche - Rutten is great...

But he's gotten things wrong before.

Like saying that an ankle lock is just a pain hold.
And calling an Americana a Kimura...constantly. 



BJ 0

TurboBoy - 
Bat21 -  Rat spit.

You must be a Fanboy huh.

Tell us. Do you know more than Bas Ruten?

 Yes, I taught him everything he knows. But I didn't teach him everything I know.

Wow. You owned everyone with your appeal to authority. You is so smart.

Hasn't BJ been heavily criticized for not training hard enough and having poor cardio? Wasn't Bas on a rant the entire time praising fighters with great work ethics and equally great cardio? Contradiction?