Do you guys miss Goldberg?

Absolutely. Joe and Goldberg had so much soul… now the commentary is clean and sterile like the ufc.

Goldberg fucking up and not knowing so much made him have a certain charm. He was likeable. I thought him and Joe had great chemistry and were the most entertaining commentary of all time.


Goldie was perfect for Joe. IMO the commentary should be 1 guy that hypes and 1 guy that knows what’s happening.


Agreed. Because he never stepped on Joe’s toes, he didn’t get into petty competitions with Joe, he would gracefully let Joe correct him or laugh at something dumb he said without getting upset, and he let Joe take reigns as the analyst.


What is kind of telling is the fact that Goldberg has never made a single appearance on the JRE


I was always a big fan of his, as he was the part of the UFC for so long.

So many big fights he was the voice of over the years.

That being said, he never really improved over time.

He kind of just consistently said dumb stuff here and there over all those years.

Still like him, but I think that criticism is fair.

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Goldberg was cringe but great and so much better than Anik. I was actually watching Rashad and Rampage last night and after Rampage dropped Rashad Goldberg got all excited and said "here comes the rampage!!) and as cringy as it was it just worked for him. He also somehow made Rogan sound good where as now it’s like a competition between all of the announcers on a nightly basis on who can be more over the top and annoying.


The broadcast booth went from a play by play style with Goldberg to what now seems to be more like a podcast watch party

I am more into a play by play styling with added on conversation


Yes, definitely. The three man team of Goldberg, Rogan, and Couture was my personal favorite for UFC broadcasts.


That was the shtick. Goldberg played dumb on purpose to give Rogan a chance to explain to the people at home. The sport was still growing and not widely understood, especially the ground game, so the duo’s style was perfect for the time.


I don’t think it was on purpose. That’s why it worked so well.

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The acting like he had no idea what was going on and needed Rogan to explain everything was definitely for the audience’s benefit. They would often admit this.

The funny gaffes were really him.


Yeah I noticed this. Rogan is allowed to be the expert. These days it’s like a battle of who can sound the smartest on commentary. Especially if it’s Cruz, Bisping.


The way i feel is virtually identical.


Like the other guy said, I don’t think it was on purpose, but I do think that Goldberg was aware that he wasn’t anywhere near as knowledgeable as Joe, which is why he wouldn’t get upset when corrected. I think he was aware of the dynamic, but I don’t think it was done on purpose.

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Big time. It just doesn’t work well having multiple people on commentary that were fighters. They all want to be correct and can’t stand being corrected. They can’t even stand if another fighter on commentary has a different opinion of what a fighter needs to do or what he can or can’t do.

In my opinion, Goldberg played a role that wasn’t appreciated (at the time) but is needed for a successful commentary team.


Corn to the Core!!

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DC and Rogan try way too hard to seem hyped but come off like giggling school girls when Goldberg pulled it off geniouly

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I can see where people new to MMA or combat sports would need and want a DC or Rogan to explain what’s going on for them.

As someone who was involved in combat sports from the 90s, I much preferred the “hype man” and entertainer in Goldberg.


If we were to “meet in the middle”

Goldy should he used on a fight pass event


I can’t stand Robot Anik and would much rather have Goldy.

Why the fuck does Anik always say “dateline” to start every fucking event? It doesn’t even make sense. Guy is a fucking maroon.

And talking about how everyone hasn’t slept in days. It’s a fucking sporting event, not 5yr old kids on Christmas Eve.

Shut up and go away Anik. Go oversee your child’s gambling career instead.