Do you think the Foobs will know who the Gracie's

Will the new blast of Foobs know who the Gracie's are ? Has mma evolved so quickly that we don't hear about Gracie JJ as much ? Just kinda weird to think these new fans won't know who Royler , Rickson and Renzo etc. are. Phone Post

Most the new fans only know and believe what Dana tells them.

They'll know Royce.

The others? Fat chance.

kanodogg2 -  A lot of newer fans just think of Royce as that guy matt hughes dominated that one time. Phone Post

 I have trouble believing a lot of the newer fans have even seen that fight, and if they have they're the sort of people who have been around long enough to know the Gracies imo.

Yea it's kinda crazy , NFL fans all know who Walter Payton , Dan Marino , Johnny Unitas, Vince Lombardi , John Madden , Lawernce Taylor etc! Same for baseball everyone knows Babe Ruth , Hank Aaron etc. does the UFC not embrace the history of modern day MMA or is there just not enough coverage yet ? Phone Post

lifeaftrprison - Yea it's kinda crazy , NFL fans all know who Walter Payton , Dan Marino , Johnny Unitas, Vince Lombardi , John Madden , Lawernce Taylor etc! Same for baseball everyone knows Babe Ruth , Hank Aaron etc. does the UFC not embrace the history of modern day MMA or is there just not enough coverage yet ? <img src="/images/phone/apple.png" alt="Phone Post" border="0" style="vertical-align:middle;"/>

We know that NFL fans for example arent necessarily the smartest people in the world but can apply the universal commen senses of sport, its contexts, history, etc.

This shit goes completely out the door when people come into MMA.

 In a bit of defense of MMA, there's a rich and respected cultural history to football and baseball in America - MMA's barely been around 20 years definably as it is today, these things take time unfortunately.

They will prob only know Renzo and Royce but the others. Nah Phone Post

Chris Power - They'll know Royce.

The others? Fat chance.

I am sure there are a lot of brand new guys who don't even know Royce.

Should the UFC help educate the fans ? I wouldn't mind seeing some old shows or fights aired on specials. Would be kinda cool Phone Post

As the sport gets more and more popular I think there will be more hardcore fans that will know the Gracie name. Phone Post

 Poor timing. Best of Pride is on Fuel now and it's an all Gracie show... So ummm


The_Canadianator -  Poor timing. Best of Pride is on Fuel now and it's an all Gracie show... So ummm

Unfortunately nobody outside of here watches Fuel. The countdown show had 15,000 viewers for 142. Phone Post

The sad thing is, some might have read an article on him, but they will think the announcers are talking about another guy, with a similar sounding name, but begins with an H. :) Phone Post

Royce was the worst gracie or so they say :)

The_Canadianator -  Poor timing. Best of Pride is on Fuel now and it's an all Gracie show... So ummm

Who actually gets that channel lol I have damn near every channel my cable company offers and Fuel isnt one of them Phone Post

 Ryan beats Royce. (RIP)

We need Walid x Royce mma

 Fuel TV is almost half UFC programming some days

 I have a poker player friend that thought Royce Gracies name was Horse Gracie.