Do you think there will ever be an event held on..

A grass surface? Imagine a UFC event, inside either a soccer stadium or a huge NFL stadium, with the Cage and Octagon but with no mat. Just about an inch or so of natural grass surface to act as a cushion, like the mat does.

I think ascetically it would look amazing. It would give the feeling of natural contest not unlike a fight without a cage or ropes or walls or what have you.

I doubt it will ever happen on US soil or even with the UFC but a fight on a grass surface sounds like a lot of fun.

Terrific idea, after that I say they try the moon. Weightless fighting would be cool.

Dr Gonzo - Terrific idea, after that I say they try the moon. Weightless fighting would be cool.

Ha for being facetious. I don't think you can get any momentum on the moon/in zero gravity.

Aesthetically pleasing? Its not an art gallery buddy.

Mr Bungle - 
Dr Gonzo - Terrific idea, after that I say they try the moon. Weightless fighting would be cool.

Ha for being facetious. I don't think you can get any momentum on the moon/in zero gravity.

Well I guess I hadn't thought out the logistics. For your grass fights will the guys be wearing cleats?

Martyn - Aesthetically pleasing? Its not an art gallery buddy.

You've must of never seen Pride?

Pride wasn't just an event. Pride was a spectacle. There was a beauty in some of those Pride events. Same thing with the UFC events. You don't think the lighting, the arraignments of certain things inside the arena are thrown together without a single fuck given about how good it looks, both on camera/TV and in person? Have you been to an event? Local events look like garbage and gives off a feeling of garbage fights.

Every sport takes into account just how amazing they can make it look and feel on both TV and in person.

Dr Gonzo - 
Mr Bungle - 
Dr Gonzo - Terrific idea, after that I say they try the moon. Weightless fighting would be cool.

Ha for being facetious. I don't think you can get any momentum on the moon/in zero gravity.

Well I guess I hadn't thought out the logistics. For your grass fights will the guys be wearing cleats?

Come on man...

It would be no different than a training session in the dirt/grass. No shoes, obviously no cleats.

I take it some of you have never trained in your life, let alone done anything athletic before.

Why would you need cleats or shoes for that matter. This isn't football/soccer.

I understand all of that, but your primary reason to have a fight staged on grass...was that it would look nice.

Nick Diaz and Matt Riddle have experience fighting on grass. Phone Post

Not that it would look nice, it would look incredible. It would be different. A change of surface isn't unheard of in sports. Basketball has been played on a fucking battleship. Fights happen "in the grass" all the time.

Not sure what's so difficult to grasp with the idea of a grass surface.

Either you like the idea or you don't.

Never said it would happen. In fact I said I doubt it ever would.

I guess I'm the only one who thought it would be incredible to see something like that?

Maybe I should draw a picture. Maybe I could use MSPaint and make a horrible abortion of a sketch and give you guys a general idea of what I'm talking about.

stevekt - 

Nick Diaz and Matt Riddle have experience fighting on grass. Phone Post


pavement could look nice too, or some nice marble.


yeah some green marble would be nice.

32Hunter - pavement could look nice too, or some nice marble.

Pavement ain't got no cushion.