Does Anderson not like White Americans?

Ok follow me on this and tell me what you think?

White Americans that Anderson has fought:

Chris Leben: Devastating KO
Rich Franklin: 2 KO's and mean
Travis Lutter: Triangle with Viscous elbows until it had to be stopped.
Nate Marquardt: Devastating Ground and pound stoppage.
Dan Henderson: Submission
James Irvin: Facial Gash from ground and pound.
Forrest Griffen: Embarassing and humiliating KO.
Chael Sonnen: submission

All American All white guys, all finished.

Now look at the rest of his matches since coming to the UFC

Thalies: Brazilian: Dancing with the stars.
Cote: Canadian: Dancing with the stars Canada.
Maia: dancing with the stars UAE.

All the forgieners since he has come on have gotten a pass while the United States guys have taken a punishing beating?

Am I the only one who has noticed this?

Unless he comes out and beats Vitor like he does us Americans I will have to begin to think maybe he doesn't like us?

Coincedence maybe? But how many times does the same pattern repeat before it is called a pattern?
Hopefully tomorrow this ends and I am wrong.

In for epic thread.

jaseprobst - In for epic thread.


Quit trolling Hoger.


Whats trolling?

atikiN - And he LOVES the Japanese!

Daiju Takase: Loss, Submission (Triangle Choke)
Ryo Chonan: Loss, Submission (Flying Scissor Heel Hook)
Yushin Okami: Loss, DQ (Illegal Upkick)

Keep digging Watson! I think we're on to something here!


Bill Pharoni - Quit trolling Hoger.

I'm not. It's a legit question?

Yeah you must be on to something. He likely hates Americans. Good thing you're not fighting anymore.

atikiN - And he LOVES the Japanese!

Daiju Takase: Loss, Submission (Triangle Choke)
Ryo Chonan: Loss, Submission (Flying Scissor Heel Hook)
Yushin Okami: Loss, DQ (Illegal Upkick)

Keep digging Watson! I think we're on to something here!

Wait so does this mean Okami will win if Vitor loses tomorrow?

 I think you're on to something, Sam. Didn't he say a while back that he has something against the UFC pitting Brazillians against each other? Maybe I dreamt it up..?

Settle down persian dude.

This has been discussed before. Phone Post

PhinPhan -  I think you're on to something, Sam. Didn't he say a while back that he has something against the UFC pitting Brazillians against each other? Maybe I dreamt it up..?

Very good point I forgot about that.

It is an interesting factoid, though for sure

I don't like white male Americans between the ages of maybe 40 and 70. Bunch of cocksuckers.

I can say that, because I'm white. But I'm only 33. So fuck all those old guys. Buncha selfish assholes, IMO.

atikiN - And he LOVES the Japanese!

Daiju Takase: Loss, Submission (Triangle Choke)
Ryo Chonan: Loss, Submission (Flying Scissor Heel Hook)
Yushin Okami: Loss, DQ (Illegal Upkick)

Keep digging Watson! I think we're on to something here!

Another good point I wonder if the Quinton Jackson , "They paid me to get my butt kicked" factor came in to play on Anderson as well or was it just Quinton making excuses for losing?

I mean really, who likes whities anyways? Anderson has a good head on his shoulders. It maybe that really indimidating voice he has that causes his racism?

atikiN - And he LOVES the Japanese!

Daiju Takase: Loss, Submission (Triangle Choke)
Ryo Chonan: Loss, Submission (Flying Scissor Heel Hook)
Yushin Okami: Loss, DQ (Illegal Upkick)

Keep digging Watson! I think we're on to something here!


Don't forget Alex Steibling!

Silva practically has a man crush on Rich Franklin but yu're right he always finished white Americans. That makes me worried for his hypothetical next three fights (Belfort, Okami, GSP)...