Does Dana White think people watch UFC for him?

Unseen - 
TheHawker - Hey baldy, no one cares about you or your opinions. Stop trying to be a low-rent Don King. You don't have the hair for it. Go back to your owner's box and enjoy your lobster and champagne. This sport is about the fighters, not the co-owners.

 This is tactical.  Dana is the face of the UFC because if a fighter or group of fighters become bigger than the UFC you end up with guys like Floyd Mayweather who can dictate everything despite what the promoters (and fans) want.  I'm not saying which is better (promoters vs. fighters) but that's the reason you see Dana everywhere.  

Everybody who doesn't get a paycheck from the UFC or live vicariously from watching videos of Dana fly around in a jet knows "why" he does it.

It's just a joke at this point. We saw more of White then we saw anybody fight during the hour.

Hessian - 
jbapk - "This sport is about the fighters, not the co-owners."

There are a shit ton of people here who have forgotten this.

 This is what the TUF babies dont get.

Yeah, if only Fox had wanted another fighter on the panel instead of wanting DW... they didn't put him there by accident;)



Butt Fox asked for Dana and they got it. They wanted to highlight the fighters, yes...but they also wanted to put forward the man running the show that everyone knows and that is Dana. You don't like it then don't watch.

It is funny. Dana cannot win under any circumstances. If Dana is on the show then people get pissed. If a fighter was on the show that people don't like then they get pissed at Dana for putting him there. Dana puts someone on there with a large MMA knowledge like Rogan then people would get pissed again. Honestly as much is MMA is about the fighters and I agree with still can't have everything your way. So stomp your feet, throw a temper tantrum and bitch on the forums about it. That will tell them!

If Dana ran the UFC even 5% like most of the UG thinks it should be ran then it would have been out of business a LONG time ago. Thankfully Dana doesn't listen to the UG when it comes to business decisions, and apparently neither does FOX.

My first thought was Dana....STFU....but then I got to thinking there was a time delay with a very short fight (less than a full round) and FOX had to get their commercials in.

And also, I too think it's great to see the owners have a true passion for their sport. Just look at the old crusty owners and brass of the NFL, NBA, MLB, etc.....98% are doing just that (counting their money) and don't really give a F about what happens on the field or court.

Dana (and the Fertitas) really care about the business and also about what happens inside the cage. Seems they are just super big fans of the fights and the fighters. Dana remonds me of Marc Cuban of the Mavs.

The show was ok but Dana really was a negative part of the show.

Why would they let a promoter analyse the fight?

I'm pretty sure Dana insisted on it considering the ego maniac he is.

TheLuckyMilkMan -

QFY Phone Post

love him or hate him, the reality is he is the face of the UFC.