Does Nick Diaz Belong in this pic

I am Sorry but

Blue namer please
Picture when posted

Eduardo Dantas, Marlon Sandro and Hacran Dias

 No, Nick is much angrier than all three of those guys put together.

8 year old Nick puts down a meaner mug.

those look like smiles compared to diaz's mug.

no, these guys really are from the hood! (favela)

 favela - Portuguese for 209

Old Feller -  favela - Portuguese for 209

That is fucking brilliant!

those guys don't quite have the meanmug down yet.
Nick could train them

Old Feller - 8 year old Nick puts down a meaner mug.

truth.ttt for someone to post nick's pic from that class pic when he was around 8

Hazzah 2 that!


That school pic is fucking hilarious.


LOL at that last pic!

 those guys are just ACTING pissed. not the same thing at all.

MountainMedic -  those guys are just ACTING pissed. not the same thing at all.


nick's mean mug is off the hooks, he even outmeanmugged diego for christs sakes.


LOL @ the school photo....brilliant

well i would say being he is not from brazil he does not fit in well in that photo.......