Does Nick Diaz win by dec. ?

If his fight with GSP goes the distance, but it goes exactly like the Mighty Mouse-Torres fight, would the judges give Diaz the decision ? (Diaz-Torres, GSP=Mighty Mouse in this scenario)

Please no controversy! Phone Post

I hope it's a decisive win either way but I hope the judges realize the mistakes made that cost Torres a win

 that's a pretty good fight comparison.

 Never, Diaz's face cant take 5 rounds of constant jabbing & there in way he's taking GSP down. Diaz cuts too easily.

you do the math

 If Diaz actually came out and just straight up won a non-controversial, well-earned decision over GSP I think that'd be a special moment on the sport's history.

I don't think that'll happen, but damn if it does!

 yeah he could out work GSP in the 3,4, and 5th rounds after GSP tires a bit.