Does UFC have ANY HW's?!!!!

Arlovski beat Sylvia and....... that's it?!!! Mir's out and the ONLY guy they have left to fight the werewolf-caveman is Justin Eliers?!

Come ON guys! There must be a few guys in PRIDE who know they can't beat CroCop/Fedor/Nog who'd like to be UFC champ or at least second best!

How 'bout Herring? He'd beat everyone short of Arlo in the cage.


Fedor's brother Alex?

Fcuk, even Fujita!!!

i think Herring tore his knee up in k-1.

and Coleman doesn't fight for free.


I really don't think Coleman's asking price is that high any more.

Herring will heal.

Fujita would be very boring but champion in the cage.

There are others. I will think.

Herring would be exciting to see in the cage, but I think he signed a multi-fight contract with k-1. Besides, he trains with Mir now, doesn't he?

doesn't matter how low Coleman may be asking for now compared to his prime, it has to be a good deal more than what Eilers will get.

Against Sylvia, Arlovsky's pay was i think 12 to show and an 18 win bonus. And that's after some nice wins.

Imagine what Eilers is pulling after a devastating loss.

In Eilers defense...

He KO'd out a big HW in Kyle, and got KO'd by Buenetello, no wish his hands down, but fully covering up. Buenetello's a baaad man.


unfortunately beating Mike Kyle isn't the same as beating a bigger name guy. Kyle's UFC record is beating Irvin and eating Sims.

And coming off a loss isn't a bad thing, it's coming off a bad loss. If he had lost a decision like Ricco, or even lost a lopsided decision, that would be one thing. But his loss to Buentello leaves a bad impression.

They tried to get Ricco, but I guess he wasn't ready. Get over it, it's a fucking tune-up match, nothing more. When Mino was the Pride heavyweight champion, they had him fight Enson Inoue (tough guy, but check out his record), Bob Sapp (who had never fought anything other than third-rate opponents and middleweights), and Dan Henderson (190 pounds).

What happened to Buentello?

Valliant1: agreed.

"Yeah but three guys everyone has heard of."

Fine, how about Arlovski vs. Tank or Ken Shamrock then...?

FUjita should go there and clean house.

herring would as well.

UFC HW division is shit.

I would rather see Arlo/Tank or Arlo/Ken then fuckin' Arlo/Eliers!

Jonathan Weizorek is 1-0 in the UFC.

Wiuff dropped to LHW. Ricco and Mir will be back soon, hopefully. Buenatello too, I'd think. The HW picture isn't so bad

No rebuttal, a suggestion. Zuffa would probably get even more bitching from the hardcore fans if they'd give Tank or Ken a shot at the interim-title, but it might put some asses in the seats and give Arlovski some nice exposure without too much work. Maybe they should consider having him fight a Ken/Tank tag team, but I doubt those guys would get along.

"Ricco and Mir will be back soon, hopefully. Buenatello too, I'd think. The HW picture isn't so bad"

Buenatello is a tough guy. No question.

Ricco, Mir, Slyvia, Buenatello, Arlo, Eilers and Kyle =

1 boring inactive A- fighter (Ricco)

Three fun top HW (Slyvia, Mir and Arlo, except Tim keeps losing)

1 tough jouneymen (Buenatello)

1 tough B- fighter (eliers)

1 totall douchbag (Kyle)